The prescription of the eye stabilizes and with this comes improvements in what you can see. He said my healing has just kicked into high gear & I should take the advice of my other doctor to wait it outbut it may or may not get better. I didn't realize what I wasn't seeing. I have to wear goggle glasses to go outside, or ride in the car with the air/heat on. Also, pay for the best. I was thinking how many days do i need to take off from my job? I really appreciate the info and totally agree. My three month follow up appointment was a lot of the same responses from the doctor. I could barely keep my eyes open walking to the car and keeping them shut the entire ride. With PRK, your vision as you sit up from surgery is actually better than if you had LASIK. Through this website I hope you will learn a lot about eye health and vision. The average total cost for LASIK surgery is $4,800 for both eyes. Epithelium and stroma of the cornea; Image by StemBook (CC BY 3.0) / modified from original. Maybe, like you, a life of crisp 20/20 due to glasses, made our expectations too high for this procedure?! 6 months later I still have to put the ointment in my eyes before going to sleep because if I Dont Ill wake up in so much pain I want to scream or when I try to open my eyes and they dont and I have to manually open them and it feels like Im ripping layers off which make me want to cry but I cant because they are so dry. Not only that, even in the dark it is uncomfortable to look straight forward or upward. Thanks for sharing your story. Most of my day is spent with my right eye closed. While much of this heals up within the first 3 months, some can notice dry eye beyond (especially those who noticed some dry eye beforehand). How older drivers can improve their driving at night. I am in constant pain. I was 29 when i first fid PRK, since it is free from where i work, i grab the opportunity. Are you going to pay for my glasses? He told me not to worry and by the time I got back, Id be seeing great. I literally dread nighttime everyday and pretty much just stay home. Not to mention, it is my eyes which I was nervous about in the first place. I had PRK done 5 weeks ago . On a more positive note, I hope you adjust to wearing glasses, as you do look cute in them! And on the complete opposite side, my eyes would feel dry later in the day so I would use eye drops at least 4 or 5 times a day. On the surface of the eye is a tear film. I didnt feel like I could see well until maybe 4 months later. Here are a few facts I wish I would have read before I began my PRK journey. Also, some career fields like military personnel or first responders may have certain requirements only allowing PRK versus LASIK because of the possible flap complications. And it works better for low to moderate farsightedness than high. Learn how your comment data is processed. Chances this will resolve in months to come? At the very least, I hope all our stories will help someone make the right decision regarding their eyes. Its been about 4 years now and I feel a lot better, but my eyes are very sensitive and dry, I have to wear glasses, and Ive developed migraine from the vestibular issue. Required fields are marked *. Thats a lot of money to spend on a horrible experience and still bad vision. A cornea transplant (keratoplasty) is a surgical procedure that replaces part of the cornea with donated corneal tissue. I just want to say, thank you so much for sharing your stories! Definitely do not have any more surgeries! My eyes settled at like 20/95 and 20/100, respectively, with astigmatism when I was like 19 and I drove for 3 years without glasses because I was bullheaded. Then I was told I needed an Astromal puncture, so I had that done. Still not comfortable driving I was so surprised when the follow-up doctor told me 20/40 is legal for driving!! These individuals might not be candidates for LASIK, but PRK might work for them. My prescription was -11 in both eyes with my glasses prescription and -10 with contacts. Instead I will pay out way more in eye drops and carry around different glasses for different situations and be thankful I didnt go blind. You may need to rely on glasses to enhance your vision until your eyes are fully healed. Cataracts develop over several years and are common in older people. I am literally considering suicide as an out from the pain. Ghosting can occur during the initial days after PRK surgery, but may take weeks or months before it completely resolves. Are you experiencing continuous blurry vision? It doesn't feel like there is much notable improvement during this time. I felt like it was never quite as crisp after than it was with contacts but not enough for me to notice a whole lot to wear I had an eye exam. There is a slightly higher risk of infection with the PRK procedure than there is with LASIK. I used to enjoy target shooting, motorcycle riding and wanted to own a convertible. I cant see into the cupboard without getting a flashlight. Please keep us posted on your situation. I would not go as far to say it was easy, but it was definitely an improvement which leads me to believe the brush technique is a better option. Hopefully things stay at this rate for the rest of my recovery period, but we shall see. So disappointing. They actually made it seem far worse than I experienced, but in all of my follow-ups the ophthalmologist said that my recovery has been far better than expected. When I drive and it just starts to get dark it literally hurts my eyes. How are your eyes now? Keep us posted and try to stay positive- believe me, I know thats easier said than done! More often than not, patients experience minimal discomfort. This medication helps expedite healing and minimizes scarring. That day I also went for another follow-up appointment where they removed the contact bandages. I had PRK in November 2021. I also have high blood pressure right now even though Ive lost weight from lack of appetite and depression. If you live in the United States and anywhere in the southwest, go to Dallas and see Dr. All About Vision does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Hi Engy, I had severe myopia (- 11) and had PRK done 4 months ago. LOL). That extra glare and ghosting at the 1 month? I am so sorry youre going through this and really hope it gets better. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Theres no way I would have had the procedure if I had just known the basicsthat a month of recovery was typical, not the exception, and, as your blog demonstrated, complications should not be discounted. It is normal for you to experience significant fluctuations in your visions for the first couple of weeks following your procedure. I had prk in 2012 and achieved better than 20/20 visionbut a few weeks ago I woke up one day and it was as if I had never had the surgery!! And so your vision will heal up in different stages. What is causing blurry vision 2 months after PRK. They say its because of dry eye, but before surgery I never experienced dry eye (probably used eye drops 3 times in my life before surgery, now 10+ times a day and 5+ times a night). Once the epithelium heals, you will move on to the next stage of healing. Vision stays blurry, and isn't even as clear as days 9-10 waking up. This is completely normal and should improve with time. The number of drops was tiered over the course of 7 days with the numbing one only to be used a few times when in pain. 3. Thanks so much for sharing this information Anna! The overall healing process is longer and more painful for PRK but with less risk of complications from the surgery itself because there is no flap. Everything was a little blurry but not too bad when I was leaving the office. More functional vision, but there is still more vision recovery to come. I dont know when my reading vision will be ok. Driving is dangerous and what am I supposed to do now that it will start getting dark at 5pm? You will need to wear sunglasses all the time while outdoors even on cloudy days for three weeks to a month. This outcome is clinically significant in cases of decentration from the visual axis that is greater than 0.5 mm. But of course, not every patient will fit neatly into this recovery. 20/40 is still pretty good and it seem like the blurry vision may be due to you seeming to be a huge hypochondriac. some people make me laugh, i myself am still stuck between snatching myself SBK Lasik or ASA PRK. Drugs didnt seem to help much. PRK is intended to reduce a persons dependency on contact lenses or glasses. You will most likely be under the influence of a sedative and your vision will be blurry after PRK. I am recovering slowly. [Read more about corneal transplant surgery.]. I wouldnt worry at all. I did recently buy two pairs of glasses and one pair of prescription sunglasses for under $100 online!! I work in a kitchen and doing things with vinegar, cutting onions, being near a stove or a grill are a constant struggle and my coworkers and boss think Im being dramatic. And then had to wait about an hour to be taken back which is when I started feeling a little nervous. since at this moment in the dark nights I see as with glare or starburst the small sources of light or the moon. Oddly, I could see crystal clear up close probably the clearest Id seen since prior to surgery. As with any surgery, there are always risks of complications unfortunately. They had not changed since month one which left me with astigmatisms in both eyes that I did not have before the surgery and recommended a PRK touch up. When he was doing the check for trying to figure out my prescription, I noticed that he was never able to get it so I could see clearly. PRK Surgery Side Effects That You Should Know About, Precautions When Doing Kitchen Work After Cataract Surgery. They wanted $160 after several discounts applied and I said to them, Im not paying that much for some temporary vision and I left. I was encouraged to have PRK in my left eye which had 20/45 vision and keep my right eye for near vision which was still 20/25 and would have an end result of mono-vision. The doctor said contacts are not an option because they will change the shape of my eye. Did your doctor offer a 2nd PRK procedure? It was so-so to good (never 20/20 but less blurry than the night before) in the morning with my eyes feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep but then would taper off by getting more blurry in the evening. Started about 8-9 days after the surgery and has been unchanged since then. I dont know why my experience was so horrible when all Ive heard were good things. I did not tell them about my history until after the consultation. I do NOT want to go through the PRK surgery EVER again. Also I had a family member have it done with minimal recovery time. Hey, Im 10 months post PRK and i have severe dry eyes. All LASIK savings offers are valid only on bladeless custom LASIK based off the LASIK procedure book price. Is it any better with glass? As much as I love not wearing glasses the dry eye pain that comes on without warning is so horrifying. I guarantee they will tell me I have to get a second surgery. During the first 24 hours after PRK, its important to rest your eyes. What do the numbers on your eyeglass frames mean? Please see pic for most recent post-op note and topo scans. 2 co-workers had LASIK from the same Dr. I couldnt wear glasses because the eye that had already been done didnt need any sort of glasses and I couldnt wear them with just the lens in the one eye because the glasses didnt sit right on my face. I had two friends and they went to different doctors and theirs were the same. As the more open your lids are (i.e. I did a lot of research and felt that PRK was a good option for my declining distance vision. I laid down and the doctor put an instrument over my head that held my eyelids open. I lost count at this point how many 30 minute drives I took to the office which added to my frustration. I had PRK done 3 weeks ago for severe myopia and have now the same problems as you mentioned: severe and debilitating photosensitivity that results in unability to look straight forward or upward, unability to drive or to watch TV and difficulty to use the computer How long did your photosensitivity last ? Ill get more info on this on Monday (5/16) and update this update. Dry eye complications, cannot see up close and like Im under water. Before LASIK I was about -8 in both eyes and thin cornea. Hi Vivi. But other than this I had a a two day recovery on both eyes 3 months apart. I went through the same light sensitivity issues but it lasted only about ten days. Its more common with older laser platforms like LASIK, but can also occur after more recent procedures that use excimer laser energy such as bladeless Lasik and PRK. I wanted to ask you how long it was since your second surgery and how are you regarding dry eyes?, since I still suffer from it. When I had to look into the eye test thing. They did NOT use nearly enough eye-numbing solution and the little valium they gave me didnt do a damned thing for me. I was not a candidate for LASIK due to thin corneas. Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. I started my rounds of eye drops immediately. Also they definitely should have told you that you should expect fluctuations for up to 6 months with the majority of changes happening in the first 4 weeks after surgery. So it was exactly as it used to be-ish seeing nearsighted again. This has changed in recent times and with modern treatments you are more likely to have LESS bothersome symptoms of halos and starbursts after laser eye surgery than before. It has allowed me to work again, but I cannot see around my house using them so I have to use magnifying glasses and I use regular readers to help some, although it causes dizziness when walking. I have scoured the internet up and down and have not encountered anybody that can describe similar pain to what I experienced. Im constantly using a magnifier app to read things. Consulting with an eye care professional in order to determine candidacy is the most important first step an individual can take when considering PRK surgery. I guess Ill just have to get reading glasses then. LASIK is a brief, painless procedure commonly performed to treat nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. Originally only wanted to while driving or seeing something far away. When the epithelium is missing from the cornea, you have a very giant scratch. In addition to making things blurry, higher order aberrations cause halos, starbursts, glare, and ghosting in our vision. Here is what you can expect at each stage after PRK. Also because its something people cant see, so they dont understand. Is this normal? Sorry to hear you story.I agree that the percentage of dissatisfaction from prk surgeries is understated .I did mine in 2014 and the recovery was brutal for the first week.The risks and the potential regression that i discovered after the surgery were not discussed by my surgeon.if i come back in time,i wouldnt have done it, considering i has -2 in each of my eyes.After my surgery my right eye is -0.25 and left one is 0.75 eventually i will need glasses again plus i have had dry eyes ever since the surgery. for a week i couldnt even consider driving and could just barely get through the work I needed to do. All those things are just something I used to enjoy and now will probably be selling pay for anything that would help restore my vision and take away the pain. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. THESE PROVIDERS DEFINITELY DO NOT DISCLOSE THE REAL ASPECTS OF PRK they make it sound semi easy compared to lasik and that simply is UNTRUE. It does not appear to be getting any better, either. BUT I have severe and debilitating photosensitivity. 11/13/2012. (Pardon my demeanor but Im pretty ****ing bitter since my vision seems to be getting worse). To anyone who is thinking about getting this surgery done I would highly suggest not to. My original appointment was about three weeks prior so I never put them back in afterward. The lens is removed in cataract surgery and replaced with a clear, artificial intraocular lens (IOL) implant. But my doctor said before surgery that I would get better but always be sensitive to bright light. Prayers. I drove only during the day, never at night. Diman, did your close vision ever get better? My left eye is 20/20, not blurry at all. My vision now is 20/70 without glasses. Experiencing total blindness after PRK (which is classified as having zero light perception) is extremely rare. I hope people find and read it! These changes to vision can be permanent. The majority of patients achieve up to 20/20 vision with PRK. I truly believe your situation will get better with time. I ran into some extra money and decided to take the leap again. I thought it would subside after some time but after one full year after my last procedure, it hasnt. Its been 3 years now since 2nd round and my eyes still get dry I have to wear sunglasses every time I leave the house AND I barely can wear mascara as for some reason it really bothers my eyes and what girl doesnt LOVE mascara. They said give it 6 months. Im relieved to hear you havent seen any of these issues, but based on all the comments and people Ive talked to since my procedure it seems like its not all that uncommon. Initial vision was very blurry, but I was told that the vision would improve with time. Wow! I found that one eye could see ok between about 100mm to 200mm so if i winked and held my face 150mm from my work, then I could do ok. it has now been nearly 3 weeks, I can get by. How blurry? PRK has certain benefits when compared to LASIK and other forms of refractive surgery. My long distance vision is good. The doctor (again, not the big honcho who performed my procedure because apparently he only does surgeries and never follow-up) revealed my eyes should basically be done healing. They are dependent on not needed acute eyesight and environments that dont contribute to my misery. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I came back within a few days to do it all over again. TBH, I got the procedure pretty much for cosmetic reasons, not wanting to wear super strong glasses. I guess I knew the risks but then I just crossed my fingers and hoped that it would not happen to me. 2. Then a cornea transplant because I had damaged my cornea. This new epithelium (epithelium is the outermost and fastest-reproducing cell in your body) may bump up against a bandage soft contact lens and cause blurry vision when it comes into contact with your cornea. Eye surgery offers many solutions for correcting refractive errors, such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. The bother of glasses is nothing compared with the misery youve experienced. Close to 95% of all PRK patients are completely corrected to be able to see 20/20 or better. From 07, three years after my surgery, my vision was noticeably worse and every year would get a little worse until 15 when I got glasses. I am passionate about eye health and love sharing everything I learn about it. Oh and dont get me started if a speck of dirt hits my eye from the wind. For example, if I am cutting onions my eyes dont just water and get a little red, it feels like someone threw acid in my eyes. Type 1 occurs one to three months after surgery and subsides after about one year. If I put a soft contact lens on with 0.5 diopters of distance correction, I can see 20/20, but eyeglasses will only get me to 20/40. Detailed, precise vision may be slightly diminished. I had originally driven there from Cape Town (about a 350 mile drive) to get LASIK as they said Id have no issues driving home the next day (testimonies from friends as well confirming this), but about 15 minutes before the procedure, they said that PRK was far safer for me to get because of the shape of my astigmatisms, so I consented and stayed a few more days in the area. Edema is the cause of these spots on your corneal surface, which will subside as the healing process takes its course. After a few eye tests, the doctor said everything looked great. Thanks for sticking around to read about my personal experience. Answer: I would say there is 99% chance everything will turn out perfect. Should I go to make an appointment with my eye-docter? Any advice? Im so sorry to hear about your results. There are currently 9 PRK Laser Eye Surgery + 2 Months Post-op questions and doctor answers on RealSelf. Its October 26 (about a month and a half later) and Im experiencing some of the same issues that you had. So sorry to hear that KS. I have had the prk surgery and it was done by a close friend who is a Dr. Im writing this for anyone who is thinking about it. The ablation was not large enough for my pupils and was off-centre. Be sure to rest your eyes, take prescribed medications and follow your eye doctors instructions. Eric Kolovson Thank you so much for commenting. Have you been back to the doctors office? Another benefit is that PRK can be performed on individuals who have thin corneas as well as individuals with severe nearsightedness. I would recommend LASIK to anyone based on my experience. Ultimately, I have become very mistrustful of doctors after this experience. I had PRK in 2004. Lasik creates a lasik flap to get past the epithelium. I hate not being able to see distance, and I strain now for both reading and distance, Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. Should I be worried? He told me everyone heals at a different pace. Was he on Washington? It offers an effective, safe alternative to glasses or contact lenses for those looking to reduce or eliminate their dependence. Have you gone back and talked to yours? Ive tried many eyedrops and antibiotics but nothing help and it is just getting worst. I had to have a cataract procedure (even though I didnt have a cataract, but they had to replace the lens). He wanted to see me in another month, but I reminded him I was leaving on a three month trip to Spain and Portugal. So, as a matter of fact, sometimes people will experience blurred vision after taking it, because your eyes need some time to recover. I had LASIK 20 years ago and the results were amazing. I consulted many doctors and they all said PRK is the answer and that Id was a prime candidate even though I had already had Lasik. I am into Day 11 after PRK surgery. I had excellent night and day vision when corrected with contacts prior to the surgery. Hi Josh, I went to a big name but Im not sure about all the people that have commented. I do not mince words with them or anyone else and I let my anger show from time to time. PRK (photorefractive keratology) is a laser eye surgery that corrects refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. What is your age range Anthony? During this timeframe, your eyes can be dry, leading to blurry or fluctuating vision. An advantage is NOT quick recovery. Well, dont expect to be perfectly 20/20 just quite yet. Really, there wasnt a problem. This was the biggest mistake of my life! Most patients who undergo PRK achieve 20/20 vision, with many even seeing better than before their procedure. While LASIK is the most popular type of refractive correction, PRK (precise refractive keratome) is another popular choice. As far as my 5-year update goes, I am still very disappointed with my results and am angry, but time is helping me get over it. It is very important that the patient protects their eyes from UV light by wearing good sunglasses and do not partake in any activity that may cause damage to the eye organs. Then the day of the surgery he told me I was getting PRK. Hello! I really hope my eyes dont continue to get worse again. Unfortunately any time you do durgery on the surface of the eye you run the risk of dry eye. What symptom that mostly annoyed me was the dry eye syndrome where I wake up some nights due to painful dry eyes! I also have a desk job that requires 8 hours of computer use everyday in the office. I had the procedure done from a super experienced surgeon, whos website claims that they have performed over 80K procedures, so I figured, I was in good hands. THANK GOD FOR THAT ONE! Fortunately, once those twelve hours were over, the pain subsided. By month 1, vision has sharpened up significantly but it isnt until month 3 that vision no longer becomes blurry. It was like having a tic tac! I waited three long years to share my experience so my eyes could stabilize and I could give you the full outlook. I have myopia of -8.50 and -7.50 (Im 23 y/o) and I was told that PRK and ICL are my only options. This can take anywhere from two weeks to six months. It feels like I have a sunburn on my right eye and I can not see anywhere near as good as I could have with my glasses. Anywhere I inhabit is littered with the tiny plastic bottles of preservative free eye drops. Bowman with Cornea Associates of Texas. Ten minutes dont go by when I dont feel a deep regret. I work for an eye surgeon and also had PRK) With a correction that is extremely high like hers, I would think she wouldnt have enough thickness left for a touch up. And after some research and figuring out the right date for me before our mega three month trip to Spain and Portugal, I was ready. Dont know when I will be able to go back to work. that it will heal, but that everyones recovery can be different. Hi Renee, I was still sensitive to light but not as severe and I was able to get on the computer for about 4 5 hours a day. Your email address will not be published. Are contact lenses a good choice for kids? My vision is definitely much better than it used to be without glasses, but 10 weeks out, I am not seeing anywhere as good as I was able to with glasses. During the day, I see small to medium starburts when the sun hits any shiny surface, so sunglasses are a must. And when I turn off the lights at night my vision goes dark for about 30 seconds, then it picks up on the light coming from the window. I will never recommend prk to anyone. Im so sorry Jennifer. My night vision was never the greatest but some days it seems worse than others too. I too was so exited about the idea of no contacts or glasses, but my outcome from the surgery is constant discomfort from dry eyes, astigmatism, starbursts at night making driving difficult, overall decreased vision in dim light, I require bifocal glasses to see clearly (I cant wear contacts because my eyes are too dry), I battle MGD and blepharitis (which I had never heard of before the surgery), and my right eyelid is droopy. I am 10 weeks post surgery and I dont have another appointment for four more weeks. its helped me feel more confident about my decision that the long recovery and potential risks really arent worth it for me personally. Well, only about 40% of people are able to reach the legal driving vision of 20/40 within the first few days after PRK. Although laser eye surgery has an extremely high success rate, just as with any other form of surgery, there are risks of complications when it comes to PRK that individuals should be aware of before undergoing this procedure. 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blurry vision 2 months after prk

This is a paragraph.It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in its place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.