A BOM version can be approved only if the related BOM itself is approved. Each revision must be greater than the previous revision. You can specify whether to assign one reference designator for every usage of the component or assign any number of reference designators to the component. A complete, structured list of the components that make up an object. In the To item number field, select the item that you want to add. Select one of the above five fields. 4.1 Create a Configurable Material (MM01): We need to crate a material for our material BOM. To set Engineering Change Order (ECO) options. From the Mass Change Bills window, choose the Tools menu item and choose Set ECO Options. Navigate to the Descriptive Elements window. Note: If your current responsibility does not include the Privilege to Maintain security function, you can only view bill information. The list contains the description, quantity, and unit of measure. You can change component information for bills or operation information for routings without modifying the revision. If the component has Quantity Related turned on, then the component quantity cannot be fractional or negative. In other words, you cannot create a chain of common references. Effective date fields appear throughout Oracle Manufacturing products. Note: If you enter a negative quantity for a component, you should enter either Assembly pull or Operation pull for the supply type to ensure that you transact the material when you build the bill. A bill of material revision is an item revision which indicates that the components of an item have changed. A BOM is a structured, comprehensive list of the materials, components and parts required to manufacture or repair a product, as well as the quantities in which the materials are needed and their names, descriptions and costs. Caution: If you do not wish to replace the values for the Supply Type, Supply Subinventory, and Supply Locator fields, you must enter the current value when executing a mass change. You cannot add components to common bills. This section describes the use of certain major fields. Bills of Material or Engineering take into account all the actions you enter to determine if the change is applicable. If you create an alternate bill with the same label as an alternate routing, components are assigned to operations on the alternate routing. It is based on a production BOM as well. Open the Unit Effectivity tabbed region and enter the effective unit number range for each component. These components are known as BOM items. Control access to bills of material by item type using the following profile options: BOM: Model Item Access (also controls access to option class items). A standard bill of material is the most common type of bill and lists the mandatory components, the required quantity of each component, and information to control work in process, material planning, and other Oracle Manufacturing functions. To do so, the Privilege to View Cost security function must be enabled for the responsibility. The default is the use-up item associated with the plan name. You can only define the Basis field as Item for any component in an ATO or PTO Model or Option class. The following section describes how to include selectable BOM items for the task list operations or sub-operations. A product family is a grouping of products whose similarity in resource usage, design, and manufacturing process facilitates planning at an aggregate level. To avoid confusion, make sure that effective dates for one revision do not overlap with those of another. When adding new revisions, you should be sure that the revision date you enter does not overlap with other existing revision dates. Navigate to the Bill Components Comparison (or the Report Bill of Material Comparison) window. The components can be raw materials, semi-finished products, or ingredients. ATO Model and ATO Option class components will get WIP Supply Type Phantom. The Bills Summary folder window appears. Select from the following types of items that can be added to a BOM. Choose Yes. If an inactive date already exists for the operation sequence/item combination, the default effective date of any subsequent rows with the same operation sequence/item combination is the same as the inactive date. While there are many types of BOMs, some of which are unique to specific business sectors, the following 10 types of BOMs stand out as the most common for the manufacturing and engineering industry: 1. Pick-to-order option class components cannot have negative values. Select a sort option for each level of the bill, by operation sequence then item sequence, or item sequence then operation sequence. Note: Initially, the values in the above fields within the bills that reference the source bill are copied from the source bill, but you can change these values at a later time. You cannot add a component to a bill where the same component, with the same operation sequence and effectivity, already exists on the bill. For each component item to change, indicate the action to perform. Navigate to the Create Common Bills window. An option class is an item that becomes a level in your model bill of material. If so, enter selection criteria in the Find Bills window and choose the Find button. The yield is the percentage of the component that survives the manufacturing process. A Guide to Using the Bill of Material (BOM) Open Interface This paper serves as a reference when using the BOM Open Interface. For each model and option class bills only, you can specify a list of item catalog descriptive elements. You do not need to make any further entries for the bill of material. Know the structure of the bill you are copying, since the copy function only copies single level components of the bill. Commit the record by selecting Save from the File menu. ATO items have the Assemble to Order attribute set to Yes. A bill of material (BOM) is a list of all materials required in a process together with the quantities required. For example, if you must introduce three new components to a bill in a specific order, you should assign each change to the appropriate parent item revision. When model or option class bills are components to another bill of material, the component supply type is phantom. If the Organization and Item fields are blank, then the bill in the Bills of Material window is not referencing a common bill. For Bills of Material, select Report (to see affected bills), Implement (to perform the mass change), both, or neither. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP reports these substitutes on some planning reports, such as the MRP Detail Report. This attribute only affects PTO included items (not ATO items or configurations). When copying from another organization, only operations occurring in departments that exist in both organizations are copied. You must create at least one bill of material. Define the parent item and all components as inventory items and set the BOM Allowed attribute to Yes and BOM Item Type to model, option class, planning or standard. The Components window contains the following tabbed regions, some of which may be disabled according the display options you selected: Item Details, Bill Details, Quantities, Effectivity, Material Control, Lead Time, Order Entry, Costing, and Shipping. For BOMs that include subcontracted operations, the service or work that is performed by the subcontractor must be created as service item that is tracked in inventory. Indicate whether you need to inquire about component usage for the current organization, the current organization and all subordinate organizations in the chosen organization hierarchy, or all organizations that have the same item master organization as the current organization. If you need to add a production order in SAP Business One, follow these steps: Choose the production order type; Specify the parent item. For components, the effective date is the first day a component becomes effective for a bill. Use letters and/or numbers to label revisions. This change is made only if component A does not exist and component B does exist on the selected bills. Note: Set the sales order basis to Option class for an ATO option class component. From the Bills of Material, Engineering Change Orders, Routings, or Routing Revisions window, choose the Attachments icon. Effective To / Disable Date: Last date and time the component or operation is effective. If you do not want to offset the components of a phantom assembly in the planning process, exclude the phantom item from the lead time calculations. The profile option BOM: Default WIP Supply Values for Components governs the behavior for defaulting the Supply Type, Subinventory, and Locator field values for components in the common bill. Use the Plan check box to indicate whether you want Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP to include the revised item in the planning process. This attribute is recognized by the Receivables Interface in Order Management. Navigate to the Mass Change Bills window. Depending . In addition to components and ingredients, a formula describes co-products and by-products. Assign planning percentages to components on model, option class, and planning bills. If you select None for the Sales Order Basis field, Oracle Order Management can override the default quantity for the option class. BOMs and formulas specify the required materials or ingredients for a specific product. For each component, you specify attributes, such as operation sequence, item sequence, usage quantity, yield, supply type, supply subinventory and locator, and others. BOM Notes: This provides additional information regarding the bill of material other than the description of parts. You can then modify your new bill or routing as necessary. The following table lists valid component attributes for each type of bill. A sales BOM is used for sales documents where the parent item is listed as a sales item, not an inventory item. Effectivity dates cannot overlap. You can enter a planning percent greater than 100 to overplan a component. Indicate whether each revised item's effective date is based upon the planned item's use-up date. Values are assigned to catalog descriptive elements when new configuration item are created. You must enter a value here if BOM Allowed is turned on. A BOM also includes instructions for procuring and using these materials. Indicate whether to increment the parent item's revision by 1 (numeric based revisions only). You can define a mass change to add, delete or replace a component, alter a component quantity or yield, or change other component information. Caution: These attributes do not apply to mandatory standard components. You use the Calculations page to perform the following tasks: Calculate the cost of a manufactured item, and generate an associated item cost record within a costing version. Use the Implemented Only field to further restrict the components displayed. Indicate whether to check ATP. The default is 100. To improve performance, you should avoid deep hierarchies of phantoms. Components with Check ATP turned on cannot have negative or zero quantities. A bill of materials (BOM) is a comprehensive list of parts, items, assemblies, subassemblies, intermediate assemblies, documents, drawings, and other materials required to create a product. When you add the component to the bill of material, Check ATP is automatically selected if, in the Organization Items window for the component, the Check ATP field has a value other than None. Select the Item line type for materials or services that are directly consumed, and that don't require further explosion or pegged supply. See: Effective Date Fields. The BOM can be thought of as the recipe used to create a finished product, presented in a hierarchical format. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, The BOM lines that describe the components and ingredients, The BOM versions, which define the product and period that the BOM can be used for. However, item revisions and routing revisions are two distinct pieces of information. Each product family corresponds to an item category. There are now three different versions of the item: revision A of 18-AUG, revision A of 20-AUG, and revision B of 22-AUG. Bills of Material restricts the types of items you can assign as components based on the type of bill you are defining. When adding a component to a bill, the mass change will set the Check ATP component attribute to No if the component quantity is less than or equal to 0. You can only define the Basis field as Item for option items, option classes or submodels in an ATO Option Class or ATO Model bill of material. If you are using Oracle Engineering, you can create an engineering change order (ECO) from the mass change order that affects both engineering and manufacturing bills. To number reference designators, use the Starting Value field to define the beginning value for a range of reference designators. Note: The two assemblies and their attributes are referred to as Bill 1 and Bill 2, or simply as 1 and 2. See: Effective Date Fields. They are created and maintained separately and have no influence over each other. In this case, the common bill created is referenced by all organizations below the current organization in the chosen organization hierarchy. Choose the Submit button to launch the selected actions. Tcode to define BOM Explosion Type is OS17 and then what is the Tcode / SPRO Path to define BOM Explosion Selection Method ? If any of these values are left blank, Work in Process will read the values contained in the item master. Effective dates can be either the current date or a date in the future; you cannot enter a date in the past. You can now update the above five fields. In general, phantom assemblies behave like normal assemblies when they represent a top level assembly, such as when you master schedule them or manufacture them using a discrete job. When you enter a value in either field, the system automatically calculates and populates the value in the other field. Inactive On: The first date and time the component or operation is inactive. Check the Implemented Only field to further restrict the components to display. See: Shipping Details Fields. When you build an item, roll up costs, and perform other functions that use bills of material, you can specify whether to use the primary bill (the default) or an alternate bill. In the Main tabbed region, enter either the Quantity or Inverse Usage used to make one unit of this assembly item at the current operation. IF v_bom_item_type = 4 AND v_wip_supply_type = 6 THEN BEGIN SELECT COUNT (1) INTO v_std_item_exist_for_phantom FROM bom_inventory_components bic,mtl_system_items_b msib,bom_bill_of_materials bom WHERE msib.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id AND msib.bom_item_type = 4 AND msib.inventory_item_flag = 'Y' Indicate whether to check ATP. The BOM version that is used doesn't have to be activated as the default BOM version. Note: You are not required to use the product family template. See: Mutually Exclusive and Optional Fields. This enables pegging to reflect the true integer nature of supply and demand. Specify the production order due date (the production completion date). Choose the Add Range or Delete Range button to open the Range window. Configuration items and bills are automatically created from model bills after a customer chooses options on a sales order. The following table lists valid components for each parent item type. This can be the revised item or a component of the revised item. In this example, two records are affected. Tip: In addition to navigating to the Create Common Bills window, you can also create common bills by running the concurrent program Create Common Bills. The item must also be BOM allowed. Select the Vendor line type if the production process uses a subcontractor, and you want a subproduction or purchase order to be created automatically for the subcontractor. When you order a configuration, Bills of Material automatically creates and assigns the configuration item to the model's item catalog group, and assigns values to the descriptive elements in this group. If the component quantity required remains the same regardless of the work order or job quantity, then select Lot. See: Sales Order Basis Field. Also, the full cost rollup process sets the pending phantom assembly burden to 0. The loop check program searches for such loops. Substitutes: Assign substitute components. Enter or select the revision and the revision date. Navigate to the Substitute Components window. From this date, you can no longer assign the component to a bill. BOMs are a comprehensive list of raw materials or assemblies required for production. Choose Check for Loops from the Tools menu. For example, compare the primary to an alternate bill, the same bill across organizations, or the current revision of an item to a future revision. If this date equals the effective date, the component or operation is inactive. You can only reference another bill or routing as a common if it has the same alternate name assigned to it. Reply Mike M responded on 23 Jul 2020 1:23 AM Sales price BOM calculation The Mutually Exclusive field applies only to option class bills and indicates whether you can choose one or many options within an option class. See: Bills of Material Profile Options. For example, suppose you add component A and delete component B. Caution: You can set the BOM Enabled flag to Yes and BOM Item Type to Model/Option Class for a Dual UOM tracked Item. Navigate to the Find Item Where Used window. The Indented Bill of Material window appears and displays the first level of the bill. A formula is typically defined for one specific finished product (a formula or planning item) that is defined in the formula version. For example, if you enter A as the Prefix, 1 and 4 as the starting and ending values, and XYZ as the Suffix; A1XYZ, A2XYZ, A3XYZ, and A4XYZ are the reference designators. See: Item and Operation Sequence Fields. This defaults to the value of the highest existing component item sequence plus the value of the BOM: Component Item Sequence Increment profile option. If you define an alternate bill and no alternate routing exists, you can assign components to the primary routing operations. The Bill Components Comparison window displays both bills. Valid values range from 1 to 9999999. Bills of Material users can assign only manufacturing items as components to manufacturing bills. A model bill also specifies mandatory components or included items that are required for each configuration of that model. To enter a non-stock item without a master record, you must simply enter a descriptive text. Note: Bills and routings can share alternate labels. Note: Profiles are ignored in query mode. The phantom is treated as a distinct entity; the cost elements of the phantom (material, resource, and so on) are added to the cost elements of the higher assembly. If you define an alternate routing and then define the alternate bill, you can assign components to the alternate routing operations. Add items to a BOM. Planning item Model Option class Standard item Product Family item Define the BOM Item Type for each of your items using the Define Item window in Oracle Inventory. A primary bill is a list of the components you most frequently use to build a product. The components of the phantom subassembly are included on the job and on the pick list of the job-not the phantom itself. See: Yield Field. Enter a prefix and a suffix for the range of reference designators to add or delete. The change order type describes your changes and determines the type of bills to modify. The following table presents the validation rules used for adding components to different bill types. After you define the routing, you can update your bill of material with routing operations if you want specific component-to-operation assignments. This also applies to substitute components. Enter the parent item for which you are creating a bill, and if you are creating an alternate bill, enter the alternate. The Bill Details tabbed region displays the alternate, whether the bill is an engineering bill, the usage quantity (of the item in the immediate parent assembly), the ECO that implemented the component (if it has been implemented), and the operation sequence. Consequently, product family item categories have the same flexfield structure as the System Items Flexfield. But you might specify Yes for BOM: Planning Item Access profile option at the user level for specific engineers so they can update engineering bills of material for planning items. The level bill of material where the inventory item appears in the using assembly is displayed, starting at 1 (level 2 signifies the parent of level 1; level 3 signifies the parent of level 2, and so on.). You can copy a bill or routing from your current organization or from another organization that shares your same item master organization. Indicate whether to see costing information, and if so, enter the cost type. An option class is an item that groups optional components on a bill. If so, check the Use Up check box. See: Enforce Integer Requirements. The selected bills for an ATO option class routing, components are assigned it... Increment the parent item 's revision by 1 ( numeric based revisions )! Bills of material or Engineering take into account all the actions you enter does overlap. Selection criteria in the other field, Work in process will read the values contained in other. 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bom item type =4

This is a paragraph.It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in its place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.