Buildings: You can work this one out, I am sure. There is a way round this which I may incorporate in a future update, but really if you find this sort of thing useful just pick up a cheap copy of Office on ebay and spare yourself - and people like me - the pain of using OpenOffice and ensuring compatibility. For combat ships, the most important consideration will always be the wood used for the frame and planking; IMO this is followed by its craft tier, then its port bonusses. Apply for Program Analyst - Shipbuilding - Hiring Urgently at R&P Technologies, Llc today! To turn through the wind with the wind at your stern (back) you will want to convert to manually point your sails in a V shape with the point facing the wind. After a ship has been sunk, there is a limited period where the ship can be looted before it disappears underwater (at which point it can no longer be looted). Weight is the downward force on the ship. PS, disregard my questions on the old post you are no longer updating, I had saved an version of it and had questions about some of the data that this post renders unnecessary. Cannot be produced. THOR Solutions is actively seeking a highly motivated Journeyman Naval Architect to support the United States Coast Guard (USCG) in Washington, D.C.The ideal candidate will provide HM&E support in weights/stability, structures, or arrangements and will assist the USCG Ship Design Team with the following technical discipline areas of small boats, patrol boats, buoy and construction tenders . Expect to see a lot more teak endys/trincos. At the moment all calculated values use level 1 building outputs. Alternatively you might find there isn't a straightforward multiplication constant to get from the API MaxSpeed value to the stats sheet speed. Fish can be broken down into Provisions, which are used for shipcrafting. Ship characteristics can be changed by using different types of wood for production. It's been a while since I've played Naval Action, I'm on the PvP server but will be doing a mix of PvP and AI battles. link. Which ships do you think are the best for 1v1 battles in PvE? The PB22 FMB-6 Inflation Indices and Joint Inflation Calculator (JIC) has been migrated to the CAPE Cost Assessment Data Enterprise (CADE) DTM Hub (Data Sets, Tools, and Models). I have not gone through checking what other changes there are, but there are plenty. To teleport your character, press z and then select which outpost you would like to go to. That means if a port has a gold chest mission available that you can take, you can farm it continuously until the server resets. If you'd like to become a crafter or simply want to know where you're likely to find ships at the auction with good bonusses, these are some of the current ports. Tanky Woods for Tanky builds: Sabicu, live oak, white oak. Ive noticed 2 very small mistakes tho: harvesting Iron Ore costs 60g (not 80g) and Oak log costs 73g (not 53g). Use the compare >ships tool to try out various combinations of woods/upgrades. The exotic perfume aroma of the wood is heavier and more complex . If someone has a first rate blueprint perhaps you can check. Resources can be difficult to attain for each ships recipe, and can be time consuming to retain. Build ships, trade, attack enemies of your nation almost everywhere and capture their ships. Marines are basically essential for boarding and can be bought at the admiralty for doubloons, The various options will tell you what they counter if you forget. Having a player or alt logged off nearby with an indiaman can be very useful for storing these chests. -Tasnaris. Type 1100. The current state is unknown. This guide will introduce new players to some suggested woods and ship builds in Naval Action.00:00 Intro02:21 Fir/Fir04:26 Oak/Oak06:31 Bermuda Cedar/Bermuda Cedar08:56 Bermuda Cedar/Mahogany 11:08 Bermuda Cedar/Teak12:22 Teak/Sabicu14:00 Teak/White Oak15:04 Teak/Teak16:30 Live Oak/White Oak18:03 Live Oak/Teak19:46 Locust/Sabicu21:11 OutroNaval Action is available on Steam. website has all the information required to fully master the game. At this point you have three tasks, and they overlap. Create an outpost at free ports close to your own production facility and haul your cargo the short distance there and sell at a premium. For my crafting data spreadsheet, ship trim ingredients aren't in the API and I've had to work them out as best I can - but at least there seems to be a direct correlation with a value that is in the API (ShipMass); for thicknesses I cannot see anything likely, What you could do is take a pair of ships, find the ratio between thicknesses and see if there is another pair of stats in the API with the same ratio (this is what I did to find trim ingredients were based off ShipMass). : 91 577 99 72 - - - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC Certain ships construction need unique components, with differing amounts of resources needed in each ships crafting recipe. As this is an international game, the timezone and language of the faction you pick will matter and you may have a hard time finding others to play with if you come into the game picking a Nation that doesnt speak your language. The stats affected in shipbuilding are: HPs Thicknesses (as % from now on) Leaks resistance Crew resistance (splinters) Fire spread resistance Speed Acceleration Turn The woods are: Light woods Fir (high availability, best speed but much splinters and fire spread) Bermuda Cedar (same speed, more tankiness) Medium woods Wood and Trim are ignored if you aren't making a ship. But without getting nation specific, the best global market in the game (and usually cheapest place to find upgrades) is going to be La Tortue. and our We're going to be seeing a surge of people relying on the speed upgrades such as: Copper plating, Navy Planking, Navy Hull Refit, etc. Toutes les marques commerciales sont la proprit de leurs titulaires aux tats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Crafting in the current stage of Naval Actions involves gathering resources to construct ships. Sealed bottle drops are extremely rare/random and will contain the location of a shipwreck. All Information for the Traders Brig. Battle rating is an important value for rules of engagement and for port battles. @Remus again, thank you very much for your work. Take as large a ship as you can crew fully and farm elites of comparable size either solo or in smaller fleets. No game has come closer to the replication of the Age of Sail sailing mechanics and combat. You can build any ship in the game the way you want it: tweaking it's battle and sailing performance during construction. 12 months. The laReq can be used the entire time you play and is unique. Ship upgrades are based on the books you have "read" already. To the right you can also see the Naval Action Crafting tree, the blue ones are default and the red ones are non default ones, so those you need to acquire the blue print for. Fortunately, the basic cutter is free to buy in any port and you can easily grind early 7th rate missions with it at zero risk. Parallell - Use for sail damage/demasting. Once an enemy ship's hull health (center bar in combat) goes to zero, there will be a short wait while they finish sinking. Identify which (2) woods you plan to use for frame and planking. You cannot separate the shipwreck cargo up until after it has been claimed. Ty i read that also but you know how you select what wood it is built with? You will likely need access to Teamspeak, Discord or both - and having a mic is important. I have heard but have not confirmed that in some rare cases, you may need a le gros ventre or Indiaman to claim the shipwreck. Building Hours are the real life hours needed to harvest all the craftable resources in a level 1 building. The quality of the built-in upgrades of ships depends on how many crafting notes you include in the recipe. Crafting Notes are typically made from acquiring gold and combining it with coal to create gold ingots. Make, Wood and Trim are all drop downs, and remember to type in the quantity you want to calculate. Share . Naval Action is an exciting, realistic, and beautifully detailed multiplayer naval combat game immersing players into the experience of the most beautiful period of naval history - when sailing ships ruled the seas. Additional Information. 24 months. Ill cover this in more detail in the crafting section but in brief: You need an outpost, then you need to build the proper structure for the items you want to craft, then you need to stock it with the ingredients, then you need to get the product where you want to sell it. Production buildings are buildings which players can place in nation ports to produce certain resources. Ship stability illustration explaining the stable and unstable dynamics of buoyancy (B), center of buoyancy (CB), center of gravity (CG), and weight (W) Ship stability is an area of naval architecture and ship design that deals with how a ship behaves at sea, both in still water and in waves, whether intact or damaged. To turn through the wind with the wind at your bow (front) you will want to manually point your sails in a V shape with the legs spread to the wind (direction you're going). thats where im wondering if there are hidden traits to each woodtype. Basics - VII - Outposts, Tows, Looting and More, Basics - VIII - Understanding the Economy. Previously note as PVP reward. Unlike permanent upgrades, ship upgrades can be changed at port at any time. Crafting level is improved through the experience attained while crafting parts, modules, and ships. Edinorogs - Elite, dropped by elite NPCs. can be a good way to make money. Exactly what i was looking for. A good rough guide for new players may simply be to view the BR of the ships within the same Rate. Click on the desired outpost to tow it there. USS United States. For example the Victory shows as MaxSpeed140.976013183594. If that is the last or only enemy remaining, you can loot ships from a much farther distance with the new mechanics - allowing you to loot multiple enemies from a single location if they have not sunk too far. Crafters - Will not recieve port bonusses unless they are in a clan that is friends with the port owner. If you are not interested in sailing heavy frigates or ships of the line you can move out to Bahamas sand banks and only sail your favorite brig without fear encountering a heavy ship of the line. There are a couple methods of obtaining seasoned woods for your shipbuilding operations. It won't provide all the important information and could leave out some elite small groups, but for someone with absolutely no idea what clans are in their nation this is a much better way to look for a group than simply by asking in Nation. You can use for frame and planking, but I wouldnt recommend putting elite woods on any trader unless youre absolutely rolling in the game. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Yet another map with in-game map, resources, ship and wood comparisons. Other people have posted about API MaxSpeed, but I never really looked into it myself. For Indiaman, try and use ones with at least 11.46kn which is a fir/fir build. - 28001 Madrid Tfno. First off just wanted to say great info in this thread to all who have contributed. 400k if you want to play it more safely. DLC ships are not at the top of their respective classes, but they are almost all pretty decent and give you an expendable ship that you can always fall back on. I have corrected the Marks Exchange sheet so blueprints now show. Blueprint for Trincomalee now requires a permit, There are changes to Marks exchanges which I have not attempted to identify. Base Ingredients. Reduced weights for shi Elite Spanish, Naval Clock, Navy Hull Refit, Copper Sheathing. Below that, Ill frequently man carros. The best port to begin developing might change based on the clan you join or its likelihood of being lost, and doesn't matter at all if you're playing solo (I suppose you could make your own clan, and get added to another's friend list but I'm not sure about the mechanics of it). Calculator for building ships in Naval Action. Fair winds! Small traders now need carriages. Chesapeake Shipbuilding is the most successful shipyard and naval architecture firm of its kind in the United States today. Carpenter Slot (2) - i.e. Once you know the name of some clans you're interested in, look for players in that clan and start up a conversation (can do this by pressing info at sea, or by right clicking on player names in chat and selecting info). If you are in a ship with much less crew than the enemy, do not approach them until they actually sink or you risk being boarded and taken before they sink - even NPCs will do this. When youre escaping and know the enemy will try to hit your sails down, a good idea is to pop a sail rep even before you need it to greatly decrease the effects of damage. A higher crafting level gives you a higher labor hour limit and the ability to craft better ships. It seems that for this specific data the API isn't much use in reducing the amount of work of datamining Looks like it needs to be doen by hand. This is by far the most time/cost efficient way to obtain seasoned woods (or the permits themselves). Certain ships construction need unique components, with differing amounts of resources needed in each ships crafting recipe. Shipbuilding woods comparator,, Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots, Copper Ingots, Canvas Rolls, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Planks, Iron Fittings,Cordage and Oakum, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Planks, Crafting Notes, Red Wood Log, American Cotton, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots,Red Wood Log, Cases, Crafting Notes, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Precise Parts, Copper Ingots, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Lignum Vitae Log, Wooden Fittings, Crafting Notes, Iron Fittings, Live Oak Log, Wooden Fittings, Red Wood Log, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Coal, Cases, Crafting Notes, Stone Block, Iron Ingots, Cordage And Oakum, Iron Fittings, Crafting Notes. Teak/hardwoods have been nerfed slightly in latest update but they are still your best swiss army knife frame. If you are strong in communication, critical thinking and have the . On the Santi build: The mods on the Santi were to test the HP cap given the new changes to pen making HP more important. Each ship can be levelled up 5 times, unlocking 5 "Knowledge Slots" (shown in image below) where you can put book upgrades in. Misc - II - DLC Guide: To DLC or not to DLC, Nope cannon balls only work on hull chain can dismast but do not expect to get any more then one ship for the chain aboard. Have an outpost at all these points, and in particular, where youre putting up Sell Contracts so you can tp there and collect it when its done. The resulting handling of ship also depends on whether the wood used is fir, teak, oak, or live oak (live oak being the slowest but strongest, with fir the fastest but weakest). Can be produced by players. The total weight force (W) acts on the ship as if it were concentrated at the balancing point or the centre of gravity (G).Buoyancy is the upward force of all the hydrostatic pressures on the hull. As per the patch notes, weights decrease significantly, but the spreadsheet doesn't calculate hauling weights, merely lists them in the Items sheet. Thickness i can't find at all in the API. They can all drop wooden chests so make sure to have someone grab them as soon as an enemy is sunk. There are no changes to anything except two of the Marks exchanges, so I haven't uploaded a new file. So that very latest spreadsheet could be used by multiple users changing field values. Game Update Section - Because the game is being regularly updated, the Updates section at the bottom will contain my analysis of updates that occur since the guide has been posted. Advanced wind and physics model provides for realistic portrayal of ships performance in the age of sail. This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 17:42. Firepower - How much firepower you and the enemy will use THAT TURN. It has a steep learning curve, and regular updates have meant that the metas have changed drastically without much corresponding updates to most of the commonly available guides online. You can post now and register later. The vic is the one you'll use the most in the endgame. Ships also require certain crafting levels and the more Crafting Notes that are put into a ship, the higher the crafting level is needed to complete that ship. I see every ship template has a MaxSpeed entry, but it doesn't make sense to me. Breathtaking open world based on 18th century historical maps gives you an opportunity to explore the 18th Century Caribbean. There are also upgrades within the game that cannot be crafted, instead only recovered from other ships after battle or from sealed bottle treasures. Updated to yesterday's unannounced patch. Hardwoods are back baby. Trim ingredients aren't in the API at all, but I am pretty sure now these are correct. As indicated above, you can tow any of your ships to any other outpost you have opened but you only have one tow per day and more cannot be purchased or sold. Before you even enter the game, you will have to decide what your name will be and what Nation you want to play for. There are solo players and lone wolves, but these are odd creatures, and they are very rare. Ships can be built from more than one wood type, for example Constitution with live oak frames and white oak planking, or ships with english oak frames and fir planking (quite common arrangement). Understanding the information screen at the top is essential (will add screenshot promptly): Marines/Muskets are straightforward how many you have coming into the battle. Any qualified individual with a disability who is having difficulty in completing an application because of incompatible technology or other disability-related application issues may contact us at the following phone number for assistance: 251-445-1932. Ships cannot be towed with items in the hold, however, all items equipped on your ship are towed with it - cannons, upgrades, etc. . Naval Academy Midshipman 1st Class Anders Gulbrandson, 22, of Orono, Minnesota, was recently selected as a Churchill Scholar. In fact, in the beginning the only missions you should ever try and hold onto are gold chest missions which you think you can do by yourself. Naval Action is a team game. Perhaps it isn't in the API. Angling your ship so that incoming fire will not hit you directly will greatly mitigate the damage you take and can cause shots to bounce off you. Exactly what i was looking for. Every battle action is calculated on the servers, even water and wave shapes. In the beginning, while using a basic cutter, you wont have the hold space for cargo missions (800 hold), and will have to ferry a few passengers around before you can afford a trade ship. Ships also require certain crafting levels and the more Crafting Notes that are put into a ship, the higher the crafting level is needed to complete that ship. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. I use this sheet as much as the calculator for a quick look up. As for what this number represents, my guess is it is related to the units the game uses for distance and time. Notes for DLC ships can be bought for combat medals as well. To put your sails back on auto press [F] and make sure to restore your Staysails with [T]. Congreves - Elite, dropped by elite NPCs. Certain ports appear to have "gold chest" days more regularly than others (some appear not to have them at all). There are various perk setups you can use the value of which varies depending on what youre trying to do. Constitution very valuable, but they can usually 1v1 any pirate ship. Once you can crew one of the meatier third rates, i.e. Obusiers - Elite, dropped by elite NPCs. Tous droits rservs. Perks can be managed in port by clicking on the button at the top right of your screen or by pressing. Sell ships with good port bonusses (from shipcrafting ports) at places with a high volume of players (capital is great, some free ports, and really good trade route hubs, for instance) especially if you know that that location wont have a lot of ships with good port bonusses. Conquer and defend ports to gain access to key resources. Try to sail with the wind to your back and outrun them. Certain ships require a blueprint to craft, use the NA Map tool (linked at bottom) for updated info or the wiki linked above for a rough check on multiple ships. However the spreadsheet I created for my own use before the wipe did allow this (and to add actual purchase prices for any item to use instead of crafting costs) but was harder to use. The only item of real monetary value is the. For new players or players focused on trading your perk order should be: Sextant, Fleet Control 1. You wont even be able to use the Redoutable until you can crew at least 500, and even then it is going to be very undercrewed. Very helpful guide. although for me its more of a bible :D. One area I am struggling to understand is where are the main hubs for buying ships/upgrades (outside of the capitals) etc. If you're not crafting them, labor contracts usually go for about 100-250k per on the market - So just this ship in labor could cost you over 25million reals just for the labor contracts. To the right you can also see the Naval Action Crafting tree, the blue ones are default and the red ones are non default ones, so those you need to acquire the blue print for. A short and simple overview of ship building in Navan Action.Please leave a like or dislike and subscribe for more content, if you liked the video. In addition to the wide variety of ships in the game, players can craft ships selecting materials to add just the right aspect to each ship crafted. I've put crafting data into a spreadsheet: This patch has changed the calculation for ship trim ingredients, with ballast (but possibly not all of it) now being moved to the main recipe. Can you all please advise me on the best wood to use for the frame and planking. love the spread sheet it helps me out a lot figuring out what to charge, though I'll admit right now with the way how things is no one is going to sale things for only a 5-10 mark up. Doing the missions is perfect for this if you want a set amount of dbls and upgrades, You can sometimes get better drops if you hit NPCs on the map. The 5% and !0% boxes are for sell contract fees (10% for ships, 5% for everything else). By putting your current DLC ships in your Fleet and clicking Redeem, you can get another DLC ship in your shipyard. Retrieved 2013-08-21. I'd say the first thing to do is to take a few ships and compare MaxSpeed in the API with the in-game stats sheets to see if there is a multiplication constant. Fishing is still very useful and when you are sailing most of the time you can just keep it on while you are doing other things. All calculated values use level 1 building you have three tasks, and ships to restore your with... To harvest all the craftable resources in a level 1 building players can place in nation ports to certain. A MaxSpeed entry, but it does n't make sense to me storing these.. `` read '' already with [ T ] of which varies depending on what youre trying to do that up. Explore the 18th century Caribbean will be visible to do that down into Provisions, which are used for.! Tool to try out various combinations of woods/upgrades character, press z and then select which you. The BR of the built-in upgrades of ships performance naval action ship building calculator the current stage Naval. 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naval action ship building calculator

This is a paragraph.It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in its place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.