Join our email list. The people that are dying are vaccinated, he said on a conservative online talk show in July. The Totalitarian, Fascist, Transhumanist Agenda. Dont miss reporting and analysis from the Hill and the White House. DeWine, 74, is a fixture of Ohio politics a former lieutenant governor, attorney general and U.S. senator who fulfilled a long-held ambition of being governor in 2018. Obviously, I deny that. The problem is that the inventor of the PCR test, who won a Nobel Prize in chemistry for the invention, specifically stated that the test was not well-suited to and never designed to diagnose disease. I hope every state that did this gets similarly sued. Based on this information, state and local health officials determined that it is now safe for community members to return to their residences," DeWine's office said in a statement on February 8. Smoke rises from a derailed cargo train in East Palestine, Ohio, on February 4. Please connect with us on Facebook at, on MeWe at or, Twitter at and sign up for email. Over time, other Ohioans have contributed to the effort and our organization has grown exponentially because of YOU! is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization comprised of God-fearing, patriotic volunteers from Ohio. Exposure of the existence of incomplete traces of a virus do not mean a person is infected with a disease [,] which is part of the reason the PCR tests have an elevated rate of false positives., there is not even a true standard for testingInstead we have numerous tests from numerous vendors that may or may not have a similar standard for what it means to have COVID-19. The Post found that several traced to Renzs time as a law student. This doctor says that the best medicine is living properly (nutrition, exercise, etc. And yet its the people who keep voting and worshipping there leaders. In 1992, when term-limits passed, Ohio's per capita personal income was 95.09% of the comparable national figure; in 2021, nearly 30 years into term-limits, Ohio's per capital personal income . [2] Starting in the 1880s, Ohio's Mark Hanna was a significant power in the back rooms of the national Republican party. Because plaintiffs will incur legal costs, Ohio Stands Up! In April of 2020, Jen Drabik approached me over a Facebook chat and inquired if I would be interested in co-administering a Facebook page dedicated to fighting against the impending mask mandates. By 30, Renz was unemployed and he and his wife were saddled with about $148,000 in personal debts spread across banks, student loans and car payments, according to an April 2007 bankruptcy filing. Renz is asking for a jury trial. I stopped visiting their site long time ago. All but two of the eight coronavirus-related federal lawsuits Renz has filed are in their early stages. The ANTIGEN TEST is a basic flu antigen test which is merely the first of a three step testing protocol for the PCR test. We send positive energy to all who are taking on this very important situation re constitional rights. She is involved with the lawsuit. Please consider signing up for email notifications at to be kept up to date on the latest news of lawsuits we are financially supporting and upcoming events taking place across Ohio. On Monday, I wrote about Thomas Renz, the Ohio lawyer who is taking on a case for a set of plaintiffs, against Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the state of Ohio. Any assessment of Irelands strategy to combat the virus should take into account the cost to peoples quality of life, according to the former vascular surgeon, who points out that you cant postpone youth. That still isnt going to bring back your loved ones.. Renz wrote in an email to The Post that his law firm had been paid around $250,000 so far for coronavirus litigation, which he said occupied most of his time over the past year. Popper did not respond to emails and phone messages left at her office seeking an interview. Ohio Stands Up! | The group is represented by attorneys Thomas Renz and Robert Gargasz. Many Ohioans were unable to get treatment for conditions not related to COVID-19 because hospitals were closed to accommodate the rush of COVID-19 patients who never arrived. Our lawsuit is designed to check the abuse of power.. This should be a class action suit across all the States that have had its population put under any restriction of rights. ", Jeanine: Why isnt there federal money for these people to move?Dana: There should be but Governor DeWine has to ask FEMA to come in and he hasnt done it yet A native of the small town of Oak Harbor in northern Ohio, Renz spent parts of his 20s working at his familys small businesses: a six-lane bowling alley on a rural state highway and an electronics shop, according to local news stories. We want to thank those who donate to Ohio Stands Up! A former U.S. senator, the 73-year-old governor moved early and aggressively to close schools and restaurants and delay Ohio's primary election. A study published last month and led by researchers at Indiana University and the RAND Corporation found coronavirus vaccines had prevented some 140,000 deaths by May of this year. Latest updates East Palestine Update - 2/25/23 I believe this is a fight for good and evil, he said in another podcast interview in August. Bill and Melinda Gates smiled in a video where Gates said (paraphrasing) .Australia and New Zealand were lucky this time but the next time they may not be so luckyand both smiled and almost laughed. files lawsuit against the State of Ohio to remove the unconstitutional emergency order "We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public," attorney Thomas Renz has filed suit in the Northern District of Ohio Federal Court to remove Gov. And served in the same prisons as hardened criminals because, murder is murder. at partnered with Akron-based law firm, Mendenhall Law Group. Currently, Mendenhall Law challenged Miami Universitys unconstitutional covid policies and the university retracted its policies. Please tell me if you have further information. If you are an employee, a student, or a group of individuals being discriminated against, please feel free to contact Ohio Stands Up! was the first stands up organization of its kind and we have many states following suit (Please visit America Stands Up! ('Lawsuit' article archive here) FB users would fall into unfathomable despair; consequently, they would be forced to confront, without the artificial safe haven, the realities of what they themselves (the majority of users) have helped create. Gov. In June of 2020, a talented, Ohio-based musician named Micah who briefly served on the board suggested the name , We are eternally grateful for your support, and we have since established an Ohio Stands Up! Agreed. The document does not explain the methodology behind the calculation. A reporter subsequently approached Renz at the event in Hazelwood, Mo., about 18 miles northwest of St. Louis, where he answered several questions and asked to have others sent to him by email. I saw the value of challenging the COVID-19 narrative and I obliged. Click on the PDF button to open the document from Mendenhall Law Firm. The entire U.S. economy was shut down based on fraudulent models that predicted 2.2 million American deaths, Renz said. People if aware enough need to stop playing the game. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Ohio Gov. If no one voted it would send a message to the system to fuck OFF, yes hayden, stop playing their rigged wretched game. We have already known the negative health impacts of EMF for decades (see The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg), but with the 5G roll out, the implications are beyond our wildest imaginations. As always, thank you for your continued support. I think the more people wake up, the sooner this con job House of Cards will collapse. And a 222-word passage in Renzs complaint in Maine matches almost verbatim a section of a September 2020 opinion by a federal judge in Pennsylvania. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here. Attachment More ambiguous, misleading and insane procedures that indicate the madness and predictable confusion thats being forced on citizens. Tom has created a work environment that is unacceptable, one of the women wrote to the credit unions chief executive in July 2015. Now that the case fatality rate has been shown to be roughly the same as the yearly fluthose [death] numbers are simply not scary to the public. COVID is nine11 on steroids, brought to us by the same cabal. All they have to do is crank up the frequency on the smart meters and 5G antennas and they can essentially boil us alive at will. Is there any reason it would not go to trial? Board will continue to review cases that may benefit from financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal representation. Mike DeWine. Ohio Stands Up! Please connect with us on Facebook at, Please consider signing up for email notifications at, 11/4/21 Ohio Stands Up! Thank you to everyone that started with us, that supports our efforts, and continues standing up! Newsweek reached out to DeWine's office for comment. Governor of Ohio from 1991 to 1991, U.S. Although, if this does truly open a doorway for an honest debate on science, perhaps there is still hope. it is weird, i tried to get on the Ohio health department website to look at the dashboard but the whole website is down. The groups nonprofit status was revoked by the IRS in May because it hadnt filed financial paperwork to federal officials for three years, IRS records show. In one of dozens of recent media appearances, Ohio attorney Thomas Renz was claiming that coronavirus vaccines were more harmful than the virus itself. - Jason K. Hedges, Co-founder, Ohio Stands Up! I left for other reasons, declining to provide details. Tom Renz 415-351-4248, Ohio Stands Up! The people cant win through the courts. Anyone forcing these measures on the people of Parksville and Qualicum Beach can now face fines and imprisonment in a local Common Law Court. The group MAFA is not incorporated in Ohio or registered with the IRS as a nonprofit, and legal language on its website states that it is part of Poppers health business. This means some that high level corporations like the NFL, College Athletics, NBA, the National Baseball Association, etc., are aware of the technical fallacies in the testing and the pandemic. The Ohio Stands Up! However, the statement went on to note that FEMA has advised DeWine that "Ohio is not eligible for assistance at this time.". was the first stands up organization of its kind and we have many states following suit (Please visit America Stands Up! is proud to announce that this small firm in Akron, Ohio is dedicated to representing and litigating cases involving unconstitutional COVID policies impacting Ohioans. The plaintiffs are not accepting the Word from the experts.. The group is represented by attorneys Thomas Renz of Fremont and Robert Gargasz of Lorain. On July 20th, 2020, attorney Renz met my wife Renee and I at our home and we signed a fee agreement to enact a lawsuit against Mike DeWine, challenging his emergency declaration on behalf of ALL Ohioans. Ohio Stands Up! Please support Ohio Stands Up! We'll keep in touch so you remain informed of our progress. Mike DeWine and the other six officials drawing the state's legislative maps won't have to explain why they violated the Supreme Court's order. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Lawmakers can also terminate an emergency order after 30 days under the bill. Ohio Gov. When an order is . This group did a tremendous job raising funds for their lawsuit! Drug overdoses and suicides have increased as have domestic violence and child abuse cases directly as a result of the unconstitutional emergency order. Mike DeWine's coronavirus response . But my gut feeling is they will try to do this behind the closed door. Actual science matters. He served as Lt. The proceedings are always behind closed doors so public cant see whats going on, everyone has to sign some form of NDA to keep their mouths shut, and they throw the person suing under the bus. The group said on Facebook in October that Renz was charging $300 per hour for his work which it described as a reduced rate and urged supporters to continue donating. One of Renzs co-counsels was filmed on the steps of the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot. Its clear from the beginning of the scamdemic that the novel coronavirus is an invention. US Courts have almost totally rolled over in the face of the Covid terror attack; two losses in US Supreme re restrictions on places of worship; 5-4 the deep states bought and paid for guy Roberts being the deciding vote. We desperately need financial support. The Columbiana County prosecutor's office said it referred the case to the Ohio attorney General's Office once it became clear multiple state agencies were involved in the arrest. Too bad, because this should provide precedent (no isolation of covid) to stand up against vaccination, especially if mandated, either nationwide or locally. Mike DeWine said Monday that he enters his second term with more optimism than ever for Ohio and a host of ambitions that could have lasting impact,. The statement by DeWine's office comes several days after the train, operated by Norfolk Southern, derailed in East Palestine. Attorney Warner Mendenhall has been exposing and fighting government corruption for over 20 years. is proud to stand up and stand with parents, students, and employees who are taking a stand against unprecedented discriminatory policies and coercive tactics being employed by university administrations. Agreed 100%, MOJO. "The people that are dying are. It makes not one iota of difference whos got that presidency job. Contact: Tom Renz 415-351-4248 Ohio Stands Up! Besides, the RT-PCR test is bogus as it is qualitative by nature and it fails even on this count because the genetic sequence of the SARSCoV-2 RNA pathogen (novel coronavirus) is a phantom, a figment of imagination, a lie. Voting is a fools paradise. This event sold out and weve held similar events around the state of Ohio with great success! Feel free to send us money, thats always great, he said in one July interview. As a result of this conversation, the Governor has requested assistance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health and Emergency Response Team, and the CDC to provide. Amid the ongoing response to the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, some have questioned why the state has not yet received assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). You know them? Andrea: Im trying to think along the positive line of WHEN it goes to trial! As he ran for re-election,. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Several national experts will testify on behalf of Ohio Stands Up! The majority of those deaths are individuals 75 and older. Since partnering with Mendenhall Law Group, Ohio Stands Up! Like geogre Carlin saidyou wanna know what really sucks the public. People cant be locked down and restrained from earning a living and having contact with other humans simply because a state authority decides to issue such orders. (To read about Jons mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.). He has spoken of the vaccination battles as a struggle against dark forces. Ohio Stands Up! Renzs organization promotes charity and Christianity, and its website encourages treating others as you would want to be treated, being kind and respectful and being decent to people and helping them., The site also is a donor destination, with the website of Renzs law firm directing people to 4GFCs website and asking for support to fund litigation in the Medical Freedom Fight.. Obviously this would all make the case irrelevant in the long run, whether it goes to trial or not. It is absurd that people are mistreated because they choose to not get a shot. He noted that natural immunity is overlooked and it can be at least six times stronger than the vaccine. Ohio attorney, Thomas Renz, on behalf of plaintiffs, has filed a case against the state of Ohio and Governor Mike DeWine. Renz did not respond to questions about the exam. But to be completely honest, I dont think we have seen the worst of this virus hoax yet. is excited to announce our financial support for, plaintiffs composed of students, parents, and staff from Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, and, the University of Cincinnati. Ohio Stands Up! Ohio was one of the first states in the country to file major litigation against drug manufacturers and distributors for their role in fueling the opioid epidemic . We intend to do as much good with this as possible but have not yet settled on how, he said in his email. A fundraising campaign by the group to pay Renzs legal bills has collected more than $147,000 from almost 2,000 people, according to its webpage. Ohio Stands Up! Mike DeWine takes the oath of office alongside his wife Fran and his son, Ohio Supreme Court Justice Patrick DeWine, during a public inauguration ceremony at the Ohio Statehouse, Monday,. In response to an interview request for this story, Renz initially proposed a contract with The Post that would set conditions for the storys content and restrict whom reporters could contact. Insanity is inflexibly doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results.. . As always, thank you for your continued support. And this must be checked. ACTs chief operating officer, Greg Allen, told The Post in an email that Renz worked there for less than a year in 2016 and was terminated. . As a result, millions of Ohioans are suffering financially, physically, and mentally.., Your email address will not be published. The site urges visitors to support MAFA by buying products or memberships from Poppers program. This case, in the current climate, should provoke intense interest from the public, and from every lawyer within hailing distance. Ohio seems a remarkable exception. Many attorneys work on matters not handled in court, and some court cases in Ohio, such as prosecutions of juveniles, are not public. In response, Pirro's co-host Dana Perino said, "There should be, but Governor DeWine has to ask FEMA to come in, and he hasn't done it yet. is excited to share the latest information regarding the University of Cincinnati lawsuit. Micah also provided the website domain. Subscribe below so that we can be certain to reach you in the event that social media removes our online presence completely. There are other cases being developed involving a variety of sectors. Ohio Gov. I submit that the UN/WHO/WEF are also orchestrating the various sub-themes of destruction across the U.S., from social division and strategic arson to buying off judges, as this country is the strongest of the possible strongholds against this global anti-humanity reset.. is excited to announce the release of our Video Resource Library on our website! was the first state to file a federal lawsuit in an effort to challenge the governors entire State of Emergency. Up for email notifications at, 11/4/21 Ohio Stands Up organization of its and. Reached out to DeWine 's office comes several days after the train, by! As always, thank you for your continued support as have domestic violence and child abuse cases directly as struggle... Did a tremendous job raising funds for their lawsuit unconstitutional covid policies and the university retracted its.. Dark forces all but two of the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot email notifications at, Ohio. 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ohio attorney thomas renz's filing against governor mike dewine

This is a paragraph.It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in its place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.

ohio attorney thomas renz's filing against governor mike dewine

    ohio attorney thomas renz's filing against governor mike dewine