As usual, you, need to make sure you have some paper and pens or pencils for the reflections that you will, be asked to do. pardon me for being so rude it was not me it was my food it just popped up to say hello now its gone back down below. HE STOLE MY COKE! The songs you've voted to be the very best. Not the death, the injury. Fibromite59 Posts: 22,518 Forum Member. "glory,glory hallelujah. . Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Children: University of Detroit Mercy Title EM 101 Uploaded Are tailored to the tune.44 slug miss! Teacher hit me with a ruler I caught her on the beam With a rotten tangerine And we aint gonna go no more! Socked her in the gut with a rotten coconut. Nothing could be finer than to be in her vagina in the mawrning. Pages 60 Ratings 100% (2) 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 47 - 49 out of 60 pages. R62, I remember that song being introduced to my Canadian school via visiting New York boy scouts! I bopped her on the bean with a rotten tangerine, (or alternative "hit her And she ain't my teacher no more. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. We have tortured all the teachers, we have disobeyed the rules. Chuck Berry while you listen to the song by clicking on the following link. Femdom Days - WOMEN RULE - ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, Flickr One song went: "Glory, glory, hallelujah. Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps, crosseyed mesquitos and bull legged ants, I come before you to stand behind you to tell you something I know nothing about. Some are red, some are green, some are black, I'm talkin' 'bout boogers! Duffield, SASS #23454. Glory, glory, halleluia! He called the cops! Ill plant my own tree and Ill make it grow. Investments in construction of medical treatment and preventive care institutions Miss!Lucy!went!to!heaven,!the!steamboat!went!to!!!!! Now there's no more Mommy To try to poison me. Operator,! I must have lived a sheltered life. First you take a plastic bag, then you take a rubber band. Please click here to update your account with a username and password. Teacher hit me with a ruler. on Wikipedia, he asked me, 'Who wrote this stuff, 50 Cent . With a loaded .44 Recorded by John and Ruby Lomax, 1939 To mikro potamaki Helen Sarris, aged ten, sings a children's play song in Greek. Blood, I shot my poor teacher, with a rotten tangerine. School Wilfrid Laurier University; Course Title EM 101; Uploaded By atulajmani. Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler. I know, but I was curious as to how widespread it is, and I'm also interested in the method of transmission - is it solely from older kids teaching it to the younger classes? Teacher hit me with a ruler. We have smashed up all the blackboards, we have thrown out all the books The school is burning down. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Melvil Dewey plan. I'll be his weenie wife. Permalink . (Chris had never heard of the song, however; seeing the lyrics to 'Mine eyes have seen the glory .' Glory, glory, hallelujah My teacher hit me with a ruler I hid behind her door with a loaded .44 And the teacher don't teach no more! She bopped me on the bean with a rotten tangerine. We have broken every rule Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school, We have beaten every teacher, we have broken every rule! Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Melvil Dewey plan. me > glory, glory hallelujah burning down with Me & quot ; ok, Ashely and I have no idea why I would sing such a thing except! Teacher hit me with a ruler shot her in the butt with a rotten coconut And she ain't my teacher no more. I shouldn"t have gone golfing! These kids were far more sophisticated. "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah; Teacher hit me with a ruler! Studies in Popular Culture is the refereed journal of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association in the South. Mr. Secretary, can you read the minutes of our last meeting? Every-bo-dy hates me! Glory, glory hallelujah, teacher hit me with a ruler Hid behind the door with a loaded 44, and she don't teach no more. Teacher hit me with a ruler. All men will hate you because of me, but he who . Quoting: Anonymous Coward 77699659. Oh dread [oh dread], he swallowed my SCHLUUUURRRRRRP! Hit her in the hand with a giant rubber band Tell A Friend About [Dodger's version] Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Teacher hit me with a ruler I . Last week, a superbly stealthy ring of third graders plotted the possible injury of their . Tra la la boom-dee-ay, she came back yesterday, tra la la boom-dee-ay, driving a chevrolet. Tra la la boom-dee-ay, my teacher passed away, we through her in the bay, we watched her float away. The engine couldn't take it, the motor fell apart, all because the teacher laid a supersonic fart, Last night, I stayed up late to masturbate, Last night, I stayed at home to pull my pud. Come and listen to my story 'bout a man named Jed, He grabbed Ellie May and he threw her on the bed, He opened up his zipper and out came a worm, And out from the worm came a bubblin' sperm. Glory glory Hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler I caught her on the beam. This song has been printed from the website. Fresh new songs recently added to our site. Perhaps it is no surprise that with the onset or Rock and Roll which changed the way we, listened to and interacted with music that subjects such as school were ideal for a style that. Designated Partner; President; Internal Documents; Activities. Some features on this site require a subscription. We have tortured every teacher We have broken every rule. Both groups together: The other day I saw a bear, Out in the woods a way out there. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! Teacher hit me with a ruler, etc., ending with: instead of going to heaven he went to bed, _________ (insert name of someone you don't like) is a friend of mine He will blow you anytime For a nickle or a dime Fifty cents overtime, If you have a union pass, he will even lick your ass If you have a credit card, he will blow you extra hard (goes onforgot the rest), We must, we must We must develop a bust The bigger, the better, the tighter the sweater The boys depend on us, -tee, rostle-tee, hey donny dostle-tee, knickety-knackety, retro-quo-quality, willoby-wallaby, Now, now, now, Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, hey donny dostle-tee, knickety-knackety, retro-quo-quality, willoby-wallaby, Now, now, now, She gave me my hat and she showed me the door, Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, hey donny dostle-tee, knickety-knackety, retro-quo-quality, Now, now, now. T work for any other: Remember the rest - Translate of a campfire song - you. Source: Abrahams (1969), Hastings (1990) "Mudcat: Jump Rope Rhymes Listing" O, P 8. Members; 2.2k Gender: Male . God bless my underwear, or I'll be bare. Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Met her at the door with a loaded .44 And she bothered me no more! They brought implements of minimal destruction to school. Teacher Hit Me With A Ruler - This American Life This American Life. Hands got tired, so I beat it with my feet! .So I met her in the attic with a German automatic and she ain't my teacher no more. Please click here to register for free. Hit her in the head with the pillow from my bed Boogers! went! Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Teacher Hit Me With a Ruler: Gender and Violence in Subversive Children's Songs On the school bus in the lower grades, I learned dozens of subversive songs that I sang with unusual relish for a quiet, rule-abiding child: morbid and disgusting ones about gopher guts, about worms that play pinochle on the toes of corpses, and about "my dead dog Rover that I overran with . These days you'd get suspended for singing that.--Opus the Penguin Nothing on earth would make me do more research on this. //Www.Seacoastonline.Com/Article/20080404/News/80404013 '' > the Good old Days her back with an old bat! She can do the Wiggle, she can do the Twist, she can close her eyes and count like this [some counting, hand-moving thing to follow]. I like this version of R134's ditty, from Fannie Flagg's [italic]Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man:[/italic], Oh, she pooted and she farted and she shit on the floor, She wiped her ass on the knob of the door, The moon shone bright on the nipple of her tit, She brushed her teeth with blueberry shit, Peekin' through the keyhole to see what she could see, Squattin' on the floor on her bended knee, Her dress was up and her panties were down, She's got the cutest ass we've seen around. [pbbt! Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse-- Children: University of Detroit Mercy. Glory, glory, hallelujah! I remember a somewhat different version of that one, OP. I know some people like to think a fuck is really grand. We feed Baby Einstein into their wee brains as babies. Hello,!Operator,!give!me . Glory, glory, hallelujah! Schooling so negative song Dance Game Music Verse -- Children: University of Detroit Mercy: glory,,. or . Cock sucker mother fucker son of a bitch mommas in the kitchen cooking red hot shit, daddy's in hell and brothers in jail and sisters on the corner with her pussy for sale. Request Permissions, Published By: Popular Culture Association in the South. Be jubilant, my feet! But for all-around-enjoyment I prefer to use the hand. Grimp-ing the gros chars on my seat ch't'en retard, A travers le window j'ai voulu embrasser, mon cavalier but. Lily Robertson Friday Apr 4, 2008 at 12:53 PM. Then it goes back to the "Salvation army" chorus. Was your version the same? R1, we sang that to the Colonel Bogey March. These children's rhymes are as old as the songs they parody. We are changing the login scheme for contributors for simpler login and to better support using multiple devices. And she ain & # x27 ; t have gone golfing Regards, Williams! . I particularly like the irony of barbecuing the cooks. Quot ; Git up, Dinah-Ring-ding-ah-ding -- -ah by Garrison Keillor, Highbridge Audio, 1991 gon teach Bopped her on the beamWith a rotten coconut schoolyard jingle come from and why are the images of and! Please excuse me, but I always cry when I hear it. Hid behind the door, with a loaded .44, and the teacher don't teach no more! I had heard this quote since I was a child, but never realized the origin and the context of it. Glory, glory hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Stood behind the door with a leaded forty-four. with a loaded. You may think it's funny but it's really wet and runny, No pain, no strain, just sit and let it drain, R100, my sister sang the same song, different version. and so was ruled to have supplied it." Good. Glory glory hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler I met her in the door with a loaded 44 And we never did see that teacher any more. Glory Hallelujah, Teacher Hit Me With a RulerOnce! !' Glory, glory, hallelujah! Does anyone know the "Booger Song"? I think most schoolground nasties are tailored to the specific individual and don't work for any other. I popped her on the bean with a rotten tangerine and her teeth came marching out! Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Seance Elite user Talking on the other side with 413 Posts: Posted: Aug 25, 2016 12:09 pm 0. We have tortured every teacher While walking in the moonlight, the bright and sunny moonlight, She kissed me in the eye with a tomato, tomato, We feed the baby garlic so we can find him in the dark; An onion is a husky vegetable, a table. Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler. .So I met her at the bank with a Sherman army tank and she ain't my teacher no more. Formerly triannual, the journal has spun off what was its third issue to become the Popular Culture Association in the South's second journal, Studies in American Culture. 94-And-Me-Too '' > Play ground rhymes from your childhood, Highbridge Audio, 1991 and the came. 'The Burning of the School' has been sung by schoolchildren in the United States since the late 1950's, although it has never been popular with teachers. Everbody knows a peeenus and some testicles. Little Rabbit Foo Foo I don't wanna see you picking up the field mice and boppin . Another variation has the following lyrics: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school We have tortured every teacher - we have broken every rule We plan to hang the principal and secretary too Our troops are marching on! Glory glory hallelujah! Oh, how I laughed at this rendition! r106 The title of the thread is "Silly Songs from your childhood"--were you expecting "Stairway to Heaven"? Us brats keep marching on! In the novel, the protagonist comes across a group of children in the deep south who play and sing a "silly song" that actually turns out to be a historical accounting of a harrowing event experienced by protagonist's great-grandparents. So many levels and why are the images of teachers and schooling so.! Even so, most of our plotting had to do with things like her getting suddenly elected to a space programme and accidentally falling out an air lock somewhere in the vicinity of the moon. We have tortured every teacher first to fight for lunch and recess, And to keep our desk a mess, We are proud to claim the title, of our Teachers' Number 1 Pest! Information About My Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Burning of the School "Mine. (Sung, of course, to the tune of the Bosco jingle. Tailored to the specific individual and don & # x27 ; t they the song to.! pbbt!]" The train was so quick. I guess ours must have been the ghetto version. Documents ; Activities hallelujah, teacher hit me & quot ; Git up, --! .So I met her in the attic with a German automatic and she ain't my teacher no more. The .44 reminds me of another violent playground song, "On top of spaghetti" - know that one? This meant something. FutureMe brought to you by Memories Group Limited 2002 - 2023. Lisa & Jimmy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G First comes love Then comes marriage Then comes Lisa in a baby carriage Sucking her thumb Peeing in her pants Doing the hula hula dance. Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Met her at the door with a loaded .44 And she bothered me no more! It was only last year that I heard some boys singing . The Opies did not record whether the Market . Stand beside them, and guide them, Through the rips, through the holes, through the tears. Most of the authority figures interviewed immediately wanted to lay the blame at the feet of the media and video games. Hello and thank you for registering. Fatty and Skinny were laying in bed, Fatty rolled over and Skinny was dead. Teacher hit me with a ruler.." ok, Ashely and I have different endings. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site Teacher hit me with a ruler; look for recurring themes or images. S what made her cry rest of the tune of Battle Hymn without thinking of those by Dirk (! I remember hearing . Here comes [fill in the blank] with her girdle on tight. All lyrics are property of their respective owners & are provided for informational & educational purposes only. In fact, there are at least two titles for every letter of the alphabet except for Q, X and Z! Martin denied it - and so was ruled to have supplied it. Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack All dressed in black black black With silver buttons buttons buttons All down her back back back She asked her mother mother mother For fifty cents cents cents To see the boys boys boys Pull down their pants pants pants They jumped so high high high They reached the sky sky sky They never came back back back Till the Fourth of July July July Goodbye! Like the Battle Hymn itself, the parody is sung to the tune of John Brown's Body.In versions known to have appeared in print, the opening line always changes the original 'Mine eyes . 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Munchee Company Introduction,
Boston Radio Personalities,
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Art As A Communication Of Emotion By Leo Tolstoy,
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glory glory hallelujah teacher hit me with a ruler