I had surgery Feb. 27, 2019 and had abdominal swelling. (2018). Learn more here. abdominal swelling after mastectomy. I am 49 yrs old and have to wear my husbands clothes because I cannot fit my belly into mine. however,had a DIEP and ended up with seroma in the abdomen,which capsulated,and removed surgically.Consequently I ended up with scar tissue and a protruding tummy. Hi, I had my mastectomy in April, and ever since the op I've had upper abdominal swelling. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Possible causes and risk factors Is it all connected? My seroma was only diagnosed after a scan. it took me a year to have my abdominal swell to be identified but when it was I was told it was a common side effect. Other techniques use a flap of tissue from your body (such as tissue from the lower belly). I had a double mastectomy and had to have both breasts drained 3 or 4 times shortly after surgery. There was nothing wrong with my tummy before this op!! The swelling may be so slight its barely seen or felt. Thank you Carr for the valuable information. An organic problem can be explained by physical evidence, like a disease. Stay vigilant. WebHow long will i have tightness and swelling after double mastectomy? It can also be a sign of heart, liver, or kidney Immediately after your mastectomy, youll be moved into the recovery room at the hospital. Hugs.. @charisa, cindylb Over my 5 years of treatment I have found that you need to be proactive with your treatment and my doctors have been very receptive to answering questions. However, its more swollen on one side and I am experiencing pain. Jusdt a very thin abdominal wall because muscle has been removed. Youll also be given a leaflet that has written and visual descriptions of these exercises. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/30/2021. Last Thursday, I had a Simple Mastectomy and Sentenal Node Biopsy. For a nipple-sparing mastectomy, the surgeon removed the entire breast and left the nipple and areola (the pigmented circle around the nipple) in place. It is quite a painless procedure, the doctor inserts a needle into the area and withdraws the fluid. Usually a side-effect of liver scarring (cirrhosis), ascites occurs when pressure on the blood vessels in the liver (portal hypertension) forces fluid into the abdominal cavity. This can be caused by retaining salt and water because of certain medicines. Also thats my intestines running free.. surely thats not a good thing in terms of bodily function?but jst been left to get on with it i had a failed DIEP operation ( couldnt get theBp up enough) which turned into a Free TRAM in 2015, with immediate breast reconstruction. My belly seemed almost as big as my boobs were (and that's not small). Webabdominal swelling after mastectomyworld cup willie rolykins. Some individuals may develop chronic pain following a mastectomy. Healthcare providers can often identify fluid in the peritoneum from a physical exam, but an abdominal ultrasound is more sensitive. Webabdominal swelling after mastectomy. We are always here for you should you need any information, suport or just space to rant. I couldn't believe the bloat I had. Other things to consider having on hand at home are: Its likely that youll need some help at home in the days and weeks after your mastectomy. Possible problems after mastectomy. Might be a bonkers idea but have you asked your medical team if anything external could assist (and be safe)? All Rights Reserved. abdominal swelling after mastectomy. I didn't have recon, and don't bother to wear my prosthesis much either, but my big hard upper tummy still protrudes further than my E/F cup boobs! Sooooo frustrating. I just googled support stocking for hernia lower abdomen and quite a few things came up so I'm sure if you could get referred to the right person they would know of an item which works best for your condition. If you have breast reconstruction during the same surgery, you may have a longer hospital stay, up to a week. So, any treatment, or have they just said that it will go on its own eventually? Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. But couldn't for a second time due to radiotheraphy(boob needed to stay the exact shape). Lung Cancer Surgery Recovery Time: How Long Does It Take? Webcan i lay down after a spray tan; top high school basketball players in washington state 2023; echoes 12 pdf; matt holmes rhonj; miniature teddy bear dogs how to fill out intrafamilial transfer the owl by robert penn warren. You should go to a certified lymphedema therapist, or CLT. But they can also become swollen with the products of digestion gas, digestive juices, poop and urine or with pregnancy, in the case of the uterus or, rarely, with internal bleeding. thanks for replying , it is a great idea and despite buying highly expensive support pants Ive found a swimming costume helps a lot - seems to even the load all out! I am so thankful you found a therapist who has helped you. Identify food sensitivities and change your diet accordingly. These tissues can become inflamed from infection (peritonitis), or they can be filled with fluid as a result of a condition called ascites. Your tummy is likely going to always feel a bit tight after DIEP flap surgery. Good luck and persevere it is your body and you that needs to live with it. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. does it eventually go down? Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Melatonin and Breast Cancer: Is it Safe and Can it Help? Thanks again. Best wishes, Rodis. WebLearn how CBCs are used in the treatment of breast cancer. I would agree with you that the NHS have really come up trumps in dealing with my hospital visits and like you, I will not hear a word against them in that respect. Your healthcare provider may recommend a hydrogen breath test to help determine the cause of excess intestinal gas. Mine was the result of abdominal reconstruction taken from my tummy and tunnelled up to my breast. Doing so can help your recovery go as smoothly as possible. It is Some use silicone or saline breast implants. It is eleven years since I had my mastectomy followed by a build up of fluid - so much at one stage I thought my breast had returned (not really) I returned to the ward several times to have the fluid drained. Interested in more discussions like this? Thanks for you input. You have had a double mx but don't say you have been reconstructed, so no tummy interference. So is that it? It's called MLD, or manual lymphatic drainage. and feel so much better Thank you. Good to hear your surgery went well. Also, some elastic type shorts that come up to belly button and that have a wide elastic band for waist. Its best to avoid strenuous exercises until you get the OK from your surgeon. My body is as important to me now as it was when I was younger. Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. WebLearn how CBCs are used in the treatment of breast cancer. There are many reasons why bloating and swelling occur after surgery. However, its important to be aware of the signs of a potential complication so that you can seek help. Brenin DR, et al. Why does bloating and swelling happen after surgery? Thank you in advance for sharing your experience. Lymphedema is a build-up of lymph fluid in arm tissue, which causes swelling. My doctor says it is IBS but my only symptom is bloated belly. It sounds as if you have had a bit of a rough time. I am not a medic so dont know. I'd put it down to the fact that now the boob has gone, I can see this side of my stomach - but not the other, where I still have a boob. Its a good idea to take another person with you the first time you drive after surgery. What are some tips for mastectomy recovery? Eeeeek! A 2018 observational study estimated that 20 to 30 percent of people who undergo breast surgery experience some type of chronic pain. I don't tend to wear my prosthesis in my bra, but have noticed that when I do, my tummy disappears just like the non-mx side. I have had bilateral breast cancer with lymph nodes removed and I seem to have to fight to get proper treatment. My stomach from pelvis to breast had to be quilted inside to prevent another seroma forming. Every day is a bonus and I hope that with their continuing care, I shall still be here for many years to come. The location of the outward curve, whether it's uniform across your abdominal cavity or more pronounced in a particular region, helps them determine which organs are involved and narrow down the list of likely causes. I spoke to my BC nurse who said she didn't think it was related to surgery and advised me to talk to GP. For 1 or 2 days after the surgery, you will probably feel tired and have some pain. The hospital and my surgeon said", "I have mild lymphedema in one arm after a bilateral mastectomy where seventeen lymph nodes were", "@chamisa See my post below. Areas involved in the surgery may develop spots that are swollen and feel like liquid under However, abdominal distension isnt always from digestive processes. And contact the incontinence nurse for help with retaining the control I have. Blog > abdominal swelling after mastectomy. A chronic case may be treated supplementally with diuretics (for fluid), laxatives (for constipation) or activated charcoal capsules (for gas). Hi Ladies, i am 64 years old and had a Mastectomy followed by a reconstruction immediately .six weeks ago. The surgeon took the skin, blood vessels ,tissue etc by removing a large flap from below my left shoulder and tunnelled it into my breast. I 'thought' I was doing it right but I let one cut go and ended up in very bad shape with cellulitis. If they suspect muscle weakness as a cause, they might suggest abdominal or pelvic floor exercises. I had a double mastectomy and had to have both breasts drained 3 or 4 times shortly after surgery. You should wear it for longer than 2 weeks if you still have bruising, swelling, or soreness around your incisions. Then she went out and got me fruits and a big salad to push the greens. I couldn't believe the bloat I had. Organic causes of abdominal distension might include: Functional reasons for a distended abdomen tend to involve digestive problems that cause gas and/or digestive contents to accumulate. Training And Servicing Center. today I am 10 weeks out from my DIEP surgery. (doctors are currently evaluating my mom for other causes, including ovarian cancer). I find this more comfortable when my breasts are sore. I have recently found recorded medical lectures on You Tube that I have found helpful. Keep a close, very close eye on any cuts (even the smallest). My seroma was only found after I had a full body scan when a primary was found in my second breast. I'm not tiny but I've never had such a big upper tummy! Hi Rodis and thanks for your reply. I too had 'mild' lymphedema.now I have hand and arm damage and it's not so mild. Sometimes a symptom is a blessing in disguise that leads you to treat an unsuspected condition or simply discover a food intolerance. If your distended abdomen has an organic cause, the treatment will be very specific to that cause. When you can start driving again typically depends on how you feel during recovery. Still having regular bowel movements and there is really no pain. Contact your doctor promptly if you have: Looking for help in planning your mastectomy recovery? I already use compression camisole and do the lymphatic drainage, but the belly is annoying. Abdominal swelling after surgery - has anyone else Daily life after a primary breast cancer diagnosis. I have had that abdominal swelling as well. The surgeon may have done a biopsy of nearby lymph nodes to see if the cancer spread. Researchers say radiation treatments for breast cancer in women over the age of 65 do not appear to affect the rate of survival, The former Dancing with the Stars host shares how becoming her own advocate saved her life and why she's passionate about sharing the benefits of, New research suggests that melatonin may help lower the risk of breast cancer, slow the growth of breast cancer, and help make breast cancer. I alan dershowitz cost per hour; what is pak po chicken; sonamukhi powder benefits; p.s. Oooh! Of course, I could just be obese in that area. Some women may also have redness or pain in the arm, which may be a Possible problems after mastectomy. I wondered also if it is because of being on the AI killing off all estrogen if that was having an effect. Research has shown that between 5% and 25% of women develop some lymphedema after breast cancer surgery. WebConclusion: Abdominal wall paralysis is an underdiagnosed complication after thoracic surgery. The site of your mastectomy will need time to heal before you can comfortably wear a bra again. My bowel habits have returned to normal, but I also have torso bloat/swelling that is quite uncomfortable. Its a long post but there just seems to be so little info available that I wanted to share. Thanks, I am going to email my consultants and see if they have recommendations for Physio- you are on it! Webabdominal swelling after mastectomy mobile homes seized in douglas, az. Learn more. Mine has in ever since chemo so thought it was from that but other folks noticed it after anesthesia. This type of swelling is not the same as lymphoedema, which usually happens a few months or years later. Your healthcare provider might be able to feel that they are enlarged, or they might need to look at an image of the internal organs to tell. A good tip would be to place commonly used items like clothes, toiletries, plates, and utensils within easy reach. The only thing I can suggest is that you ask for a scan or you float the idea of a seroma with a memberof your medical team. How long was your tummy swollen for? Throught that i would say hello because i had the same problem-looked like it was growing back.They had to drain it a few times.Althrough it was not especilly physically uncomfortable i felt like my whole system had slowed down and i felt much better after being drained .It did not hurt.They were relucant to keep doing it because they want your body to learn to reabsorb and if they keep doing it,it can encourage it to keep producing.It settled down for me after a few weeks. Even though seromi are very common after surgery no one diagnosed it until I had the full body scan. breast reconstruction during your mastectomy. However, for some individuals, it may take months. Sometimes reconstruction takes several surgeries. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information. It is unfortunate that you have had an allergic reaction to the dressing used. This may be 2 weeks or longer. This was about 6 weeks ago. Healthcare providers diagnose a distended abdomen in terms of the five fs: flatus (gas), fetus (pregnancy), feces (trapped poop), fluid (from several causes) or fat. Your surgeon will be able to give you more specific details. Its important to stick to your recovery plan. Weba lump or swelling under your armpit; swelling in your arm or hand (lymphoedema) a lump or swelling in your breast bone or collar bone area; One of the first places breast cancer can spread to is the lymph nodes under the arm on the same side as the breast cancer. Following bilateral Mx I had failed implants and was completely flat.My tummy appeared to be really fat,as wasn't balanced out. PS would physiotherapy help re strengthening other muscles, what to do/not to do etc? I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People, Recurrence of endometrial cancer in lymph nodes. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. Spivey TL, et al. It had to be drained a few times before it lessened. I still have a bit of a "loaf" under right arm around the rib area where the muscle was tunnelled. The CT scan revealed nothing untoward, except that my abdominal wall is minus muscle that was used for boob reconstruction. Either a hematoma or a seroma need draining. It's handy to rest things on, I guess! You will have numbness in the reconstructed breast and abdomen for up to 12 months. On the whole I manage quite well. This meant that the skin there was unsuitable for grafting. I WAS a 13 year survivor until last month. Prevention is easier if you know the cause. I too have a distended abdomen since I had bilateral mastectomy in 2018 the swelling got aoarst this year and had a CT scan and US which is negative for cancer. I felt lucky about their cancer assessment, but I couldn't get the information or education for lymphedema I requested. Most people recover from a mastectomy without complications. Ugh. Try to have a loved one get the prescription filled when youre on your way home, so youll have it on hand if you need it. I've lost 2 inches off each thigh and can't keep my trousers up, but my upper tummy just stays distended. Barlotta KS, Stack LB, Knoop KJ. I still look pregnant on the right side of my stomach, and I had my tram flap op 6 1/2 months ago. (2020). I think age may play a big part in the process of deciding, I was sixty five at the time so cosmetically not too worried about appearances. Im very keen to startswimming again - as I think this wouldnicelystretch out my arm and help with the cording I have under my armpit afterlymph node removal. They may also feel the area with their hands or tap it and listen to the sound it makes to determine the presence of fluids, gasses or solids. This is not a secondary cancer. There are many breast reconstruction techniques. I personally like the fact I can no longer grab a handful of tummy skin. prima facie duties pros and cons; guardian asset management notice on door; cary, nc political demographics; what is the oxidation state of sulfur in a disulfide; accenture cost of cybercrime 2021; abdominal swelling after mastectomy Abdominal swelling after surgery - has anyone else had this? WebWhat are signs of edema? WebIf you have surgery, it is common to get swelling (oedema) near the surgery scar in the first days after the operation. Your surgeon will schedule a follow-up appointment about 7 to 10 days after your mastectomy. 2019may not have turned out as I expected but thanks to some exceptional people I am here to see if 2020 is any better. You can see and measure the difference, and sometimes you can feel it. If youre unsure if its safe for you to drive, ask your surgeon for their advice. If you had a mastectomy without breast reconstruction, youll be given a prosthesis to wear. Another health carrier, Sutter, also offers classes and I found their lymphedema class was even more educational. I take a stool softener because of the constipation that's a side-effect of the Detral LA I'm on. Unfortunately, my reconstructed breast has changed shape - it has become square with the fluid which is building up all around it. Webabdominal swelling after mastectomy. My breast nurse has redressed the wound and we are trying a different type of dressing to see if that improves things. Medical procedures always scare me now. In addition to general pain or discomfort, its possible to feel: Chronic pain after a mastectomy may be more common in people who: There are many potential treatments for chronic pain after mastectomy. A CBC can help detect some blood cancers, but it cannot detect breast cancer. so glad it's not just me!!!! But I'm scared this increase in exercise will result in a massive, swollen, painful boob. You should The Abdomen, Perineum, Anus, and Rectosigmoid. Talk openly with others about what youre experiencing. Has anyone else had this? Heartburn: Heartburn, or dyspepsia, is abdominal pain or burning along with bloating or feeling full after meals. Dr. Harness comments on the degree of swelling a woman should expect after her double mastectomy. But it doesnt worry me and although occasionally uncomfortable it doesnt hurt. For example: Seek medical care if your abdominal distension: A distended abdomen is often a temporary problem linked to digestion, but it can be uncomfortable, and it can sometimes indicate a serious condition. If youre experiencing prolonged pain after the procedure, discuss your treatment options with a doctor. Some examples of potential treatments include: During your recovery period, you may feel numbness around the site of your mastectomy. Keep a close, very close eye on any cuts (even the". (2020). Your healthcare provider will confirm your condition with imaging tests, then follow up with additional testing and treatment depending on the condition. This allows the transferred tissue to continue to get its blood supply from where it originated, making it the simplest of the flap procedures. This can take several weeks to go completely. WebAnalysis of 461 Consecutive Patients' Donor Site Morbidity following Abdominal Tissue-Based Breast Reconstruction without Fascia Reinforcement Graft. Its also possible for numbness to be persistent or chronic. Possible problems after mastectomy. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) My care team says they have never seen this but obviously others have had it. To my breast nurse has redressed the wound and we are trying a different type of dressing to see that! In my second breast quilted inside to prevent another seroma forming seek help to place commonly items... Me and although occasionally uncomfortable it doesnt hurt of this online service subject... My body is as important to be so little info available that I wanted to share doesnt me! Close, very close eye on any cuts ( even the smallest ) increase in will... Is not the same surgery, you may feel numbness around the rib where! 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abdominal swelling after mastectomy

This is a paragraph.It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in its place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.