I have them from grades 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8. My dad Carmelo worked for alittle grocery store Dominic across from Manely. My grandparents, Mike and Sanita lived upstairs. Ann Sineni and I were good friends, I remember. You see these themes woven into everyday life at FXW seamlessly. Please, Selecting a category below will take you to another page. Hope you are well. Others simply refer to FXW as their second family.. When we attended school, we had morning and afternoon recess, and Lexington St. was barricaded at lunchtime so we could play in the street as well as in the playground. Giving. I attended Cabrini up to the 6th grade.(1978). It was a wonderful bakery. I do enjoy contacting former students and members of Cabrini parish. Sister Speranza did have 7th and 8th in one room. Donna Fasone Blaha is my first cousin and she turned my on to this story about St Francis X Cabrini. About. Please share your stories so this school and church will not be forgotten. We were actually the first graduating class in 1959. We had such a wonderful turnout Lucian gave me a cross for his 25th anniversary as a priest. Lol, precious memories: how the linger! I remember Fr Coco and Fr Lucian and all the rest of those you mentioned. Stay safe and stay blessed , Hello everyone, I attended Mother Cabrini from 09-1958 to 06-1959 6th grade. We also went to Scafuri bakery which was right around the corner from where we lived on Polk St. Fr. Most of my family is gone now, but I still have an aunt who is 101 years of age. Father Lucky was always at our house for dinner. The one memory I will never forget was that during lent if we went to services with our parents we did not have to do homework and also how we used to stare at the statue of Mother Cabrini laying in state in that glass casket and keep staring till we thought she moved! Nice to hear from you,Rose Marie was my best friend in school, many wonderful memories. Coincidence how we both met our husbands at UIC. Welcome to the Xavier Catholic School System. Lucky. Sadly she passed away about 3 years ago. Carmelo and Noemi Alequin Married there 1961 by Angelo Coco. percent of this School`s students would receive financial May you and yours have safe and enjoyable holidays. My parents moved in 1960 and I graduated from grammar school also in 1963. I have not been active on this page but I am curious to know if there are any friends or family that might know anyone that graduated from St. Frances Cabrini in the class of 1964. In 6th grade one ofthose teachers was Mr. James (Jim) Rittenberg. Hi everyone, Annual Examination Commences For Classes I to IX & XI, 2023 St. Francis Xavier School | All Rights Reserved. St. Francis Xavier (SFX) School works in partnership with "the first school of Christian life," the family. Blessings to you as well. I had a Sam Esposito and I believe Jeanette Esposito, another Esposito boy but I am not sure of his first name, I think he was Sams cousin. Hi Rosalie, Thanks for remembering me! My buddies and I had some great adventures around the construction site. ft. addition to St. Francis Xavier School. Catholic Elem School I too remember Mr. Reamer he and Mr. Rittenberg were friends. I would love to hear from her. I am living in Florida now they may still be in Storage in Chicago. The average retention rate for all school with the Archdiocese is 91%. I remember you, Bernice, and David. My husband and I were both baptized at Mother Cabrini church 1954 and 1955 by Father Coco. [5] St. Hilary School Selected girls had the honor on special occasions to belittle Nuns and we were all excited to bepresented with authentic habits to beworn on that special day. Angela Paletta Cullen. Fr Lucian (if you remember him) stayed friends with our family until his death. Maybe bring any pics like the ones I took on my class visit to Washington DC. Can you send me the photo? Wonderful neighborhood. I remember when he excitement seeing the students going to school. I still have the cross. Coco. My kids adore their teachers, their friends and love their school experience! Fr Florian was pastor when we graduated, Fr Lucian, (Fr Lucky) was our good friend. We moved to the Austin District of Chicago in 1960. Me and my cousins went there also. Went there one year 7th grade.best days of my life in that neighborhood.I will never forget you Frances.god bless all. Who was in class with my cousin, Teresa Mamolella and her sister Donna? Its been a long time. I attended St Francis from 1946 to 1953. .My name is Frank Cesario. My mother dragging us into the house where we watched from the window. An apartment building? Frances Xavier Warde Schools Unclaimed 751 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60654 Contact info Website Private schools are not rated 24 reviews Private school ? Welcome. I would love to see it. School Reviews. I just had to tell you about the 2900 block of Lexington being blocked off for recess. Holy Trinity High School (Catholic) Add to Compare (13) Grades: 9-12 | 348 students 520.8 miles 1443 W Division Street Chicago, IL 60642 Where did you post the video? More than 500 students, in Preschool Our three-story apartment building was originally located next to the Church and they needed to move it or tear it down to make room for the convent. My mother Josephine LiPuma was the organist until the Church closed. Some students were in awe of such a close-knit, ethnic neighborhood. my 70th birthday. Google Map it. She looked so real if fact at that age I thought she was. I am thankful to the school administration and leadership for providing my children with a values-based, rigorous, Catholic education. How sad that was. One of the coolest days of the year at FXW is always the Grade 5 Invention Convention! Right, it was Lexington which was blocked, Francisco was a the north-south street just east of Sacramento. He visited all of the people in the neighborhood. My name is Frank Cesario. It was very scary. Loved it soooo much. Hello to everyone & wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. . Great fun. Thank you for sharing your memories. Need sacramental records? I loved my school and the nuns. Wrote Saviano twice; I meant to include Rizzo.. When I tell my children and rattle off their names, they look at me with crossed eyes and say Weve heard this story so many times dad!. Hi Francine. Was the man who owned the grocery store on Sacramento Jimmy? It was a great Italian neighborhood. Its like yesterday. 2nd grade was Sr Natalie;3rd Ms Smith; 4th Sr Theresa; 5th Sr Gertrude Marie; 6th Sr Constantine; 7th Sr Raphael; 8th Sr Speranza. There is a picture of a John Louis Coleman. My best to you mom and dad and family. I lived at 2912 W Flournoy. We moved to the Austin District in 1960 when I was in the middle of 5th grade. This is Rosalie Guerrieri Wemple. We offer affordable tuition with a wide variety of scholarship opportunities for students and families. We lived at 2932 W Taylor & then at 3010 W Taylor. We can't say enough great things about our beloved school. I think I can still remember the beautiful Italian names of at least 10 of my classmates-although there were 50 in a class and one nun! Our neighborhood consisted of primarily Italian immigrants. While at Saint Francis Cabrini I attained so many of my sacraments there, however I was baptized at Our Lady of Sorrows. I wonder what will become of the building? My cousins, the Simones, lived next door. possible. One incident Ill never forget I think it was Sacramento Street where part of the street was blocked with wood traffic horses so the kids could play outside for recess. I graduated in 64. When the COVID-19 pandemic created a massive shift in the way we all live our lives, FXW was at the forefront of transitioning each family to distance learning and they have been extremely willing to adapt and adjust based on the needs of the students and the parents. A lot of wonderful memories. I remember Brother Silvio giving us instruction on serving Mass and Father Coco being the pastor. ft. addition to St. Francis Xavier School. Pat Gallagher, I attended mother Cabrini from 53 to 61 we moved when I was in seventh grade I do remember Louis Rizzo and a soda fountain across from the school I think I took money out of my church envelope to go buy a soda one time and I was scared for a long time I used to fight with Louis Rizzo almost every day we were in school, I dont know if anyone remembers Father Lucky. St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System is a private Catholic school system offering preschool through 12th grade Catholic education to the Fox Valley and surrounding communities. She was very strict. Jim passed away recently, however. I really appreciate the film. My email : suezpenzl@gmail.com. Hello, friends and acquaintances from the past-our beautiful past. SAFETY FIRST: We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our school. My teachers were: Sr. Angelica Marie, Sr Natalie, Miss Smith, Sr Theresa, Sr Gertrude Marie, Sr Constantine, Sr. Raphael, and Sr Speranza. Fond memories of the horsedrawn produce wagon coming up the alley with the sing-song calling out of wares. Thanks! Unfortunately I did not know Fr. St. Francis Xavier School is a parish primary school of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia comprising a Pre-K through 8th Grade program. I taught Spanish mostly at the high school level. I just meant it ended as we knew it when our Parish and school closed. Lancers Build. High School Science and Mathematics Teacher at St Francis Xavier College View profile View profile badges So glad I found this site. Which is where I began my catholic education. I attended kindergarten 5th grade (1963-1968). Hard to believe it was so long ago. I got to crown the Blessed Virgin in May at church. I can still remember how she looked in her pink silk dress. Scared the dickens out of us because we thought it was a real body. The riots were what made my parents move. Contact the Archdiocese of Chicago for any information you may need. I attended this school and church from kindergarten to 8th grade, and it was wonderful. St. Francis Xavier School We are determined to achieve the highest standards Parent Login and Fees Payment Online Payment - Paytm Payments Admission Open For 2023-24 For detailed information please visit our Admission page or you may contact +91 83349 36377 CLICK FOR ADMISSION ENQUIRY Welcome To St. Francis Xavier School My mother would say when are you coming home! The CCYL basketball season concluded today with thrilling basketball games and great shows of support all weekend! Coco. The kids in the neighborhood had names like Jojo, Sally Boy, Pepo, Plum-Plumthose are special memories that are priceless! I truly enjoyed reading all the entries of those who lived in the neighborhood and attended Cabrini. Dennis and I lost contact with everyone. Those were good years, good neighborhood. I have great memories of that old neighborhood. Great memory Angela! 2023 Bulley & Andrews, LLC. We have fund memories of our short time there. To foster a healthy spirit of competition, many inter-house competitions are held in the school. Student-Teacher Ratio may not be indicative of class size. More than 400 students, in Thanks for writing this! And on the other side of you I remember a wide gangway and the Borrows lived there. I still have my First grade class picture with Sr Angelica Marie, . These memories have been wonderful. There was a Peter Agliata in my class, I graduated in 1959. Carmel in Melrose Park. Peace! I remember you and your mom very well. Hi would that grocery store on California and Harrison be owened by Carlos. We knew the pharmacist and they had a great soda fountain in there! Sr Speranza was my eighth grade teacher also. His home room teacher was Sr. Philip. 379 followers . This programplaced selected impoverished inner city children withwelcominghost families for a two-weekvacation in a different environment. The property was located on the poverty-stricken west side of Chicago at 751 S. Sacramento Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois . My grandparents owned an apartment building a half block from school at 2926 W. Polk St. and I often went home for lunch to watch noontime TV comedy shows. Cogo and Btr Silvio? I remember the apartment building at the Northeast corner of Sacramento and Polk being razed to make way for the new school building, and playing in the 10 foot deep rain flooded construction pit, using foundation forms as rafts, after a particularly heavy rain forced a halt to the construction. 120 S. Desplaines St. Chicago, IL 60661 p: 312-466-0700 f: 312-466-0711. St. Francis Xavier is a Roman Catholic Parish and Preschool - Grade 8 School located in Medina, Ohio, off of State Route 18. Oh my God I thought I was the only one who remember Mother Cabrini. hi peter my mom geraldine dote graduated in your class in 1953,small world huh?my aunt maryann gentilini was also in the same class,she lived on the 2800 block of flournoy.i was born after everyone left the neighborhood in 1962 but as a kid and adult i always love to hear the stories of the neighborhood.a few years ago i went into the church,its a baptist church now.it was really neat to be in there knowing my great grandparents etc whom i never met were also in that same place! I cant remember our Pastors name, or any of the priests and Brother. I remember the Ordination, I also sang in the choir until the church closed. Our block was very diverse with Italians, Germans, Irish, Mexican, Puerto Ricans, Poles, all living in different buildings but in peaceful harmony. My cousin and I always stayed after school and helped the nuns and sometimes we were invited to the convent to visit with the nuns. How are you. After school co-curriculars consist of volleyball, basketball, chess club, STEM classes, choir, flag football, trigonometry club, debate club and more! Like to here from anyone in my class room with sister Teresine. Thank you for sharing! We are in a 55+ community with all kinds of clubs and activities. Linda Manzella, do you have a relative who teaches at Orland Jr. High School in Orland Park, IL? I m probably a bit younger, but the names of the nuns and teachers I remember from my older siblings. After that, classes were held in the church basement which was sectioned off with plywood walls into classrooms. We were very involved with the school and church and the wonderful nuns. I drive down the Eisenhower past the old neighborhood wondering what its like. Edwards Sis.Phillips and Father Charles are some of the names and of course Mr. Rittenberg we attend Cabrini in the mid 60s. Hi Donna, my name is Tony Coleman and I attended Cabrini from 6th through 8th grades. Cabrini. I cant believe all the names & places being recalled, such wonderful memories of such a wonderful neighborhood. We were all so innocent and care free. The project provides new and expanded spaces for parish and school learning and growth, and community-building activities. Stay safe and stay blessed. The hot dog stand on Sacramento Blvd. We were born around 1945. Fr. Maybe being old school, it was too bad Sister Speranza couldnt appreciate his charisma. Ive often wondered what happened to this memorial. The attendance decreased to about 300 in 2018 or 2019. The riots divided the community and we could no longer look at each other the same way. I recently did a Google search on my old catholic grammar school and my beloved church, and I could not find any relevant information. Fri, Mar 3. My cousin Mary might remember more of the names as shes 10 years older than me. My sister nor my cousin finished at Mother Cabrini as the neighborhood was at its end. This is amazing to see your post. Have a great day and thanks for replying. I especially remember Robert. is located in the heart of downtown. I had many adventures riding the subway to school and, at times, I drove my junky car which was always broken down. Junior Achievement is here to support students, parents and teachers during this period of uncertainty. Patty and I used to stay after school and help the nuns clean the room. Wow, great video! hi rosalie,so glad you enjoyed the video! I also remember Fr Florian who literally became our priest throughout my life all the way to baptizing my own children. I attended mass at Cabrini until it closed and we were sent to St Agatha. I had a good friend in that class. Those were very happy days and those memories are still very alive for me. Mass Times. We lived on Polk then we moved to 717 S Sacramento. When I started school, Mother Cabrini had not yet been canonized a saint, so the school was known simply as Mother Cabrini school. hi all this brings back so many memories . I passed by Manley H.S. She was African American, first name Annette. What memories! Thank you for sharing. Palmisano, Saviano, Francese, Saviano, Grassini, DiBacco, Tarullo, Miserindino, Quatrocchinot sure; I remember Corky. Other names escape me at the moment. They must have been a wreck while I was gone, becausemany of the people in Clear Lake, Iowa had never met a black person before. and I do so remember the name Pat Donnamariawish my mother were still alive so I could tell her (she died a year ago today) she would have loved talking about it. Sadly, those days are gone. Shortly after, she and her family moved to the suburbs, and my family bought a house in the Logan Square neighborhood, where I also bought a 2-flat. Did he also hang out with a Cant get that type of bread here in Florida, where I now live. Frances Gasparro, I graduated Cabrini in 1959. Does anyone else recall him? Our neighborhood had amazing Italian bakeries. Tuition is $6,360 for the highest grade offered. Just noticed your post. Linda I went to that school in the 50s I left in seventh grade in 1960 I lived on Arthington and Kedzie I remember the nuns sister Rosario Duca, sister Lucy sister Teresa sister Gertrude sister Evelyn sister Raffael, Brother Silvio sister Speranza and the pastor was I think father Florian. There was a very large multi-unit apartment building on the corner of Polk and Sacramento which was razed for the new school building. You must be enjoying life in Florida. I have many fond memories of my old neighborhood. Dufficy as well as Sisters Philip And Speranza. Very involved with the school you may need Xavier College View profile profile... Elem school I too remember Mr. Reamer he and Mr. Rittenberg were friends my name is Tony Coleman and had. 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st francis xavier school chicago

This is a paragraph.It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in its place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.