View our privacy policy. If you are driving, try to safely exit the roadway and park. Crouch down in a ball-like position with your head tucked and hands over your ears so that you are down low, with minimal contact with the ground. The pools have a portable aquatic lift to assist patrons who may not have the ability to access the pool via vertical ladders and stair systems. Only swim in the shallow area of the pool. Never use a cliff or rocky overhang for shelter. Guests must present a state-issued photo-id or school-issued photo-id and complete a liability waiver to enter the YMCA. None have been caused by lightning strikes. Smoking and/or vaping of any substance on YMCA property the YMCA and its property are a smoke-free environment. Please identify yourself to staff when asked and allow us to be of assistance when needed. Aplicacin de Emergencias - ahora disponible enespaol tambin! Recreational waters are inherently risky. The YMCA of the USA, FEMA, the American Red Cross, NOAA, and the National Lightning Safety Institute all advise to not use plumbing of any kind during thunder and lightning and to stay clear of windows. If you are in a forest, shelter near lower trees. Tennis & Pickleball Court Reservations at the Springfield branch may only be made by Community YMCA members (court fees apply). Therefore, just because a pool was built to code does not necessarily mean that it remains uncompromised. Re: Visit an FKK. Department, Call for help. For capacity and safety reasons, all Open Swim times (Lansdowne & Ridley facilities) may be restricted to Community YMCA Members Only (generally during the summer months). The cycle repeats after each thunder bang. -----END REPORT-----. Some agencies vacillate between evacuating and not evacuating the pool. Kids often will become sad when theyre having tons of fun and are suddenly told to get out if they cant see a lightning strike. This is why swimming during a thunderstorm in any body of water, including pools, is dangerous. The best time to swim is during the daytime. If a severe thunderstorm warning is issued, take shelter in a substantial building or in a vehicle with the windows closed. The actions listed below are also among those considered inappropriate within our facilities and during our programs: The YMCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who has been accused or convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse; is or has been a registered sex offender; has ever been convicted of any offense relating to the use, sale, possession, or transportation of narcotics or habit forming and/or dangerous drugs; or is presently or habitually underthe influence of dangerous drugs or chemicals, narcotics, or intoxicating beverages. Watch for signs of a storm, like darkening skies, lightning flashes or increasing wind. Subscribe for safety tips, stories from the field, and information on how to get involved with the Canadian Red Cross. Because it is impossible to foresee or communicate every situation that may arise, we reserve the right to amend or add a policy/operating rule to ensure the safety and comfort of all. Never lie flat on the ground. Yellow Banded swimmers will be required to: To receive a Yellow Band, swimmers must demonstrate the following skills: GREEN BAND A green band allows swimmers to use entire pool (shallow and deep ends). Identify the closest safe locations before the beginning of the season, and consider posting signs that promote lightning safety and indicate locations that provide protection from lightning. When a class is cancelled due to low enrollment, we will make every effort to accommodate your needs. Heres a saying that everyone in the family can learn to remember safety protocols: However, if you cant get indoors for any reason, the CDC recommends crouching low and avoiding direct contact with the ground as much as possible. ZmNmNzAzY2ZlNGI3OWE2Yzk0M2MzMzk0M2JmMzE0MjIxMTc0NjNlMzY4MjRh Checklist Available in Multiple Languages, Find our Emergency App in theApple Store orGoogle Play . More organized thunderstorms (squall lines, bow echoes, super cells, large clusters) should prompt a greater lead-time as compared to an isolated thunderstorm. NGI5YmM4MDg2MDM2NzM5ZGRlNGRjNmYzOWFmMWFiZTQxOWJjNzhjYzc4ZGE0 The YMCA will investigate all reported incidents. ,w v+& Most importantly, if you SEE any behavior you consider to be inappropriate or suspicious, SAY something to a YMCA Staff Member immediately. <> endstream YTgxOWI0NWFmZDUxZTJiYjFmODU1NDcxYjA5Yzk5MmYzMDM2OWI0ZjUyMWMy Heavy rain from thunderstorms can cause flash flooding, and high winds can damage homes and blow down trees and utility poles, causing widespread power outages. If you choose not to evacuate, consider advising patrons of the possible hazard so they have the option to take individual action. <> Allrightsreserved. hbbd```b``"j@$g Take your children with you if you have to leave the pool for any reason. 2. Copyright 2023 Community YMCA. Help people affected by disasters big and small., Guest Pass Liability & Indemnity Waivers All guests must complete aGuest Pass Liability Waiver. YmJiZDE0OGNkMjE2Yzk3NTViZDg1NzRiOTVmNzU3Y2QxOGMwMTJlMjcxZGEx Count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and sound of thunder, then divide by five; this is how far away the lightning is in miles. OWI4ZDJlNGU4ZWVkNGMyNWQ5MjQ3MmM1MWJhYWMzODE1MjFkOWQzYWFmMDk2 Tennis & Pickleball guests are welcomed when playing with a Community YMCA member. The National Weather Service, Downloads: Lightning Safety Guidelines (this page) Model Emergency Action Plan Lightning Site Preparation ChecklistEvery year, lightning strikes and kills people on or near bodies of water. The YMCA is dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of our members, and staff. 232 0 obj <> endobj Ever! Postpone outdoor activities if thunderstorms are likely to occur. The Redwoods Group, American Red Cross and National Lightning Safety Institute continue to recommend the proactive action of removing swimmers from indoor pools as a lightning storm approaches and until after it passes. Severe Thunderstorm Watch- Severe thunderstorms are possible in and near the watch area. ODRhNThlZmU5Nzg2Y2UzZjA2MTUxZGQ5ODE5MzFiZjUwNWJlN2Q3ZDk5Mzc3 Competitive Swimming Training information, according to the National Weather Service, The Best Pool Alarms For Keeping Kids Safe. The pool area has to be completely bonded and grounded electrically, A complete lightning protection system is required. YTdjYzY5NjEyMjUyMDU5ZjZjNTRkZWZmM2VhZWYwNDExMGMxNDg1MmZmZDJh N2ViNWU0NjY1OWVlMGNiY2VmYTEzNTc0ZjdhODc3NjE2NjZkNjBiYjBmN2Y3 I was once one of those kids, but once I learned why the lifeguards told me to get out of the pool, I didnt feel as sad about leaving. Suspend all pool activities until 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder was heard. 22 0 obj Check the person for burns and other injuries. The National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) requires swimming pools and their buildings to be properly bonded and grounded; however, grounding a pool cannot itself control lightning behavior to the electrical circuitry, nor to adjacent metallic conductors. In addition, electrical bonding of pools is, on rare occasions, improperly done and the bonding can deteriorate over time. May 1, 2016, Perhaps youve been to the pool at a time where the lifeguard blew three short whistle blasts to immediately clear the pool when thunder hit and wondered why they did this. Failure to comply will result in a revocation of YMCA privileges both immediate and future.Deadly or offensive weapons are defined as any device whose design and/or implementation may produce death or serious bodily injury. A thunderstorm is considered severe if it produces hail at least 1 inch in diameter or has wind gusts of at least 58 miles per hour. Uman, Martin, Personal Communication, November 9, 2015. NTRlZWU4ODk5OGRlNmY1NDUzMzIxNGRkYmM5ZWI3Nzc5MDBhZDU1OTJhZjQx Continue to listen to a NOAA Weather Radio or to local radio and television stations for updated information or instructions, as access to roads or some parts of the community may be blocked. We believe the risk of electrical shock from lightning is greater than the inconvenience of evacuating the pool. hb```f``f`b`> @q`WAKcKGCy/f f*: 0 fIe NmI0MjdiNGFhZjI0MzgxZDc2MWM5OTY0MGYxNzkzZjQ3OTU3N2Y3MmFiNzY0 "Just think of shark attacks. MmY3YzUxZTk3NzU3OGJiOGQyN2RmMzVlZDA4YzUxZjFlN2U4MjAzMTU1ZDY5 Keep everyone away from windows inside. endobj Consult the National Weather Service for published guidelines for the timing of lightning safety. The majority of electrocutions in swimming pools have been caused by underwater lights, pool pumps, filters, vacuums, electrical outlets and switches, extension cords and others. Pools with large expanses of glass have an additional exposure. %PDF-1.5 % Improve your swimming skills and learn how to prevent drownings and how to make safe rescues by taking a Red Cross Swim Course. This is potentially because organizations policies are to clear the pools. NWQ0MDk3MGQ3MjQxMmMxYjZmMzdkNzkxNWUxNzFlN2VjNWMwZDlmMWMxMTQx Lightning causes electric currents along the top of the ground that can be deadly more than 100 feet away. If you evacuate, encourage patrons to shelter in place in your facility. 0 MTg5ZDdmYWIxMDI4NDE1NGE1ZDM5M2Y5ZGE1MWQxYmFiNjk4Y2RkODg3YTQ3 OGE1ZWJlNDI1NWVkNWNmN2NlNTlmN2IzOWRkNWFjZTFlMTdkMzViNTQxZjdh Each Community YMCA Full Privilege Adult, Family and Senior Adult Membership, will be issued four (4) complimentary guest passes per year. Remember, absolute protection from lightning is impossible. MmEzNWY3NmU1ZjliYjExODMwNzI5NzMwYjhkYzlhMDg0MTk5OGQ5MzZhOTNh Communication tools include: Public address, loudspeaker system (fixed and/or on mobile vehicles), Internal television and/or radio broadcasts, At the beginning of the shift, designee notifies staff of weather forecasts that may impact operations that day. "If someone in an indoor pool was killed by lightning, it would be such a sensational and scary story all the media outlets would have it," he says. These drownings primarily involve young children who gain access to a pool without a self-closing and self-latching gate. Guests must be always accompanied/sponsored by a Community YMCA member. Y2ZmZjU4YjhhYmY5MDE1MjliZTQ4Y2NlYzY2NTQxMmM3Njc2MTZlODAyN2Yw Mjc4YmUzNTM3N2Q2NWY4ZTY1MWYzNmI0N2NlZjRiZDg2OTc1YmY1MjAxNTk4 MTY0OWI2MWFkODJmYzA2ZDI1MmVjNzAyM2FkYTY4NmE2Y2Q3OGM3MzJhYjgz 2. If our goal was to eliminate all risks, we would drain swimming pools and close them to the public. Count to 30 after hearing lightning, and if you hear thunder before 30 seconds, then go indoors. MzM3N2NlNDJkYTlmODUyNmM3MmJlNTMxOGIyZWY2ZDFlMTY5ODA0YzRlMTFm Shutter windows and close outside doors securely. NDRlNDQxNGY2YzA1YTAwOGZhZjUxZWUyYTRjODYwNjE2ZTM0ODJkNzUyZTk2 With the best policies, procedures and supervision, swimming pool patrons face risks such as drownings, broken necks, slips and falls, and electrocutions. MGU1OWFmMTc0MzM0YzIzZmY5OWIxMTU2MTI2OTVkYWI5MDRhYmU2OGRkNzQ2 Even with no lightning in clear sight, its best to err on the side of safety. In order to ensure the safety of our children, we regularly compare our membership database to the National Registry of Convicted Sex Offenders and terminate the membership and/or access rights of anyone registered, Upon entering our facilities, any visitor 16 and older, will be required to present a valid government issued ID, which will be scanned into the system. CharityRegistrationNumber:119219814RR0001, Swimming and Water Safety Tips and Resources, Swimming and Water Safety Tips & Resources, How to confirm if a First Aid/CPR Certificate is valid, Swimming and Water Safety Public Education Resource Guide. The problem with closing indoor swimming pools during electrical storms is that this policy places people at greater risk by removing them from the safe confines of swimming pools and placing them in unprotected areas like on phones, in showers, outdoors and in cars where electrical storms have killed people. Date, time, and location of classes can be found from navigating from. Avoid touching metal or other surfaces that conduct electricity in and outside the vehicle. Get out of mobile homes that can blow over in high winds. Learn what to do in case of emergencytake a Red Cross First Aid Course and encourage youth to take a Red Cross Lifeguard Course. While some did not hear the warning, others heard the warning and did not pay attention to it. EAST BRIDGEWATER Chief Timothy Harhen and the East Bridgewater Fire Department would like to provide residents with tips on pool safety for the summer months, as well as information on lightning safety awareness. We strive to provide a safe and enjoyable facility for our members. endstream So, if 20 minutes elapsed and another bang occurred, you should wait another 30 minutes before going back in the pool. This should include avoiding contact with all plumbing and electrical systems, as well as metallic structural components during a storm. Summer is the peak season for outdoor and water-related activities, and when most lightning deaths and injuries occur. Use a weather radio, a weather app, or TV program to obtain information about nearby storms. Reminding kids that youre just trying to keep everyone safe can help them settle down, but an even better idea is to teach them about these dangers of thunder and lightning as well. The American Red Cross reports that more than 200 children drown in swimming pools each year. The same idea applies with lightning. Vulnerable locations include: beaches, outdoor pools, diving boards, lifeguard stands, and nearby outdoor recreational facilities. Have a means to garner daily weather forecasts and updates. You can review and change the way we collect information below. Anyone under the age of 16, priorto swimming in the pool, must complete the YMCA swim skills assessment and be assigned a red, yellow or green swim-band. Have active, adult (18+) supervision within arms-length at all times while in the water. Thank you for your understanding. Stay in the vehicle and turn on the emergency flashers until the heavy rain ends. NmFhMmQ1OTZiODY2ZjU2MWY1NjFmZDY1ZmMyY2RiNDJlYWQ0NTM3MjRlNzA4 The National Weather Service recommends staying inside for at least 30 minutes after the last thunder clap. Identify means to monitor lightning in the area. The general lightning safety recommendations associated with all swimming pools (e.g., 30 second- 30 minute rule; avoiding plumbing or electrical circuits), are supported mainly by expert opinions which fall within scientific review Class IV - no convincing scientific evidence is available but is J!6 H)Ed}>?qz b.~I>oY l@}V A *Jv]B+yn e#6 u;v,Xl:J@(-C[-k1%s[9IgUL!LjI&p;#f_Dz' Picnic shelters, dugouts and sheds are NOT safe. YMCA Policy prohibits sex offenders from accessing YMCA facilities. MDBmZTc2YWNmMWEwYTA0OTZlMjMwZTVmNzk4YjM1YTllNjgxMDZmNTc1ZjE0 YjQ3YTBlMDJhOGY5ZWZhYTE4Mjc3NzY0ZjA3Y2MwMGEwMzM0N2ZlYzc0OWIx Login for First Aid Instructors/Trainers and Training Partners. Verbally abusive behavior, including angry or vulgar language, swearing, name-calling, and shouting. There are simple steps that families can follow to keep their backyard pools safe. /%%/Y$,/.~>Kg*a.IitUBh1eFK0)2AEl/bQv|@; #+~-8CIID3 )J4H Zj+R6=;%#\Y|K`a!QO :UbTL4z:oj]=~V]w%?;X m The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) is a hosted programme of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), representing a global partnership between business, civil society and government, dedicated to the sustainable reduction of road trauma. In fact, in most places, insurance companies and home inspections require some sort of pool barrier. Determine what actions to take based on the threat level, including: Whether to evacuate facilities or just issue warnings and advice on safe shelter, When to notify staff and patrons that the threat has subsided and normal activities can resume. NjIyZjcxZTZlODNlMzBhNDY3ZWRjMTkxZTNlODRiZTRlMTY2OGJkOGE5YjRl Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. NzFjOGQzMmI0ZGVlNDQ2YjQ5ZWY4N2FlZWI3OTliZDY5N2EzZWJjN2JmOWZm Only swim in the shallow area of the pool. Members and guests should not hesitate to notify a staff member if assistance is needed. These are the same guidelines that the American Red Cross recommends for lifeguards to use on surveillance duty. %%EOF endobj Never shelter under an isolated tree. MzRlNjIxMjQyMGM0NmM0YzgyZGIzNDY5NWQxNGUyYjFmN2RlYWQ4NDY2ZDE2 Sadly, ten people die every day from unintentional drowning, according to the CDC. Our policies ensure our pools stay safe for everyone. Green Banded swimmers, under the age of 12, will be required to: To receive a green band, swimmers must demonstrate the following skills: The procedure to close for safety during lightning, thunder violent storms is recommended by the YMCA of the USA, The National Lightning Safety Institute, The American Red Cross and our local insurance provider. Picnic shelters, dugouts and sheds are NOT safe. Stay informed and be ready to act if a severe thunderstorm warning is issued. The Canadian Red Cross takes your privacy seriously. 1- Yes, swimming lessons are still safe during COVID, according to CDC findings. Using or possessing alcohol or illegal chemicals on YMCA property, in YMCA vehicles, and at YMCA-sponsored programs. Float on back for 30 seconds and regain vertical position on their own. 0 Although Jehn loves teaching, shes also a nerd about pool operations who thoroughly enjoys testing and balancing chemicals. Information about the proximity of lightning strikes is available via the flash-to-bang rule (explained below), local on-site detection devices, smart phone applications and commercial notification services. Swimming Water Safety Promoting Practices that Protect At the Y, water safety is a key part of our mission to encourage health and active fun in the water. If they know about the risks, then they might understand and be more cooperative about exiting the pool. Additionally, drowning . Please ask if you have any questions. Y2RkYTZkNTkzZTg1MTc2ZGM2MmY1NzhiM2FmYTdiYTkxNzYxOWFmZDFkZmQ2 The YMCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all. The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), Community Project Funding Is Essential for Park Projects, Choosing a Career in Parks and Recreation, Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) Certification, Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) Certification, Certified Park and Recreation Executive (CPRE) Certification, Aquatic Facility Operator (AFO) Certification, Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP), Proclaim July as Park and Recreation Month In Your Community, NRPA Innovation Labs: Sponsorship Opportunities, Lightning Safety for People at Swimming Pools Revised and Updated December 2015, National Athletic Trainers Association Position Statement: Lightning Safety for Athletics and Recreation, Lightning Safety and Outdoor Sports Activities. Swim the length of the pool, unassisted, with either front crawl or breaststroke. fiA$10[LI0yl2 `"E>Db@$e`Tn(8L2 m However, when electrical storms approach, too many close their indoor swimming pools. Divide the count by five (5) to determine the proximity in miles of the lightning strike (5 seconds = 1 mile; 50 seconds = 10 miles, etc). NjUzNzU1YmRiNDg3ZmJkODE0MjJkNTVhNjUyNDJkNTNlY2RjZDM0MWU4MjE4 You cannot predict how deep the water may be. Open Space Radiois a biweekly podcast thatcovers the latest trends and news in the field of parks and recreation and aims to cover unique and interesting stories. MTQ2YzQ5MmRjOGFhYTg4ZjA5NmRkNTE2NjE0YTJhNWY0MDQwZDk0MTM0Mjk0 Here are some other great suggestions for keeping your pool safer during storms: Although lightning and thunder can seem far away sometimes, storms are unpredictable. We take your privacy seriously. Avoid electrical equipment and telephones. This is because the glass can be an avenue through which lightning may enter the facility and because a close strike may shatter windows. Lightning cannot be prevented, but the vulnerability of lifeguards, beach-goers, and patrons near bodies of water can be minimized. ZTVkZDllNTA0MGM1NWUzMGM4M2ZiMzc0ODkxNjdmNmIzNTc5MGRmN2U3NzYw Loitering within or on the grounds of the YMCA. Rachel Griffiths, MA, is Communication Director for Aquatic Safety Research Group. We do not distribute or sell your email address to anyone. Therefore, its always best to take extra precaution and ensure that everyone is safe. Community YMCA locations include the Lansdowne, Ridley and Springfield branches. The COVID19 pandemic has many people wondering if swimming lessons are still safe. Our mission, as Aquatic Risk Managers, is to reduce and warn against potential risks. You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. Two fatal incidents from 2013-2014 were received in 2015. Immediately get out of and away from ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water. |, State Drivers license/State Photo ID card. These bands help our certified lifeguards keep our swimmers safe. Lifejackets or Personal Flotation Devices(PFDs) should be worn by weak or non-swimmers, but they are not substitutes for supervision by an adult with good swimming skills, or a lifeguard. The American Red Cross and the National Lightning Safety Institute continue to recommend the proactive action of removing swimmers from indoor pools as a lightning or violent storm approaches, and until after it passes. If there is thunder or lightning, stay out of the pool. Pool Safety. Every year people are killed or seriously injured by severe thunderstorms despite advance warning. Be prepared for thunderstorms and severe weather. A couple of minutes outside of Frankfurt is the Langener Waldsee, it is really beutiful there and they have a rather large FKK area. A credit may also be issued for the following reasons: If the YMCA is notified before classes begin, 100% credit/refund. One last point: a detail both sides repeat is that nobody has ever been killed by lightning while swimming. All guests must complete and sign the liability waiver prior to their visit. Determine the distance of lightning from a location by using the "flash-to-bang rule. Understand the actual hazard! For the safety of indoor pool swimmers, we are retaining our stance and will continue to endorse the clearing of indoor pools during a thunderstorm. Annual training for lifeguard and beach patrol units should include lightning awareness and a review of protocols in their hazardous weather safety plan. MmM0YTEwZWE5NGZiYjk3ZTE5YTg0YmFiZmIyYjk1ZmIzMTc0MThlNzg0ODVj With advanced technology like this, some people may still decide to stay in the pool until the lightning is close-by. However, swimming pools are a bit different than other types of water due to all the hardware that comes with them: water pipes, gas lines, electrical lines, and more. The American Red Cross provides the following suggestions: 1. Once 30 thunder-/lightning-less minutes have elapsed, it's considered safe to go back in. For easy conversion, here are some markers: 15 seconds = 3 miles, 5 seconds = 1 mile, 0 seconds = very close. In an effort to reduce any inconvenience to our members we will begin using our mobile app and our web site to communicate pool closings that result from inclement weather. Scientifically speaking, water has electrolytes, which are balanced ions that are also great electricity conductors. MTUzYmFlY2FhMmFlN2FlMjFlZmY1ZTM4NGRjODJhNGMzNjk4ZTQiLCJzaWdu Make sure your organization has a policy in place, that staff know what the triggers are for the pool to be closed and communicate often to members about what your policy is. If lightning strikes the ground anywhere on this metallic network, it may induce shocks elsewhere. endobj Carl Swanson, III, is a member of the Lightning Data Center since 1997, a storm chaser, lightning photographer and member of the National Weather Services spotter network. 1. All content copyright 1999 - 2023 CanadianRedCross. YzExNTQ4NDllMzJkNWQxN2UyODQ1NjIzZDg4MzI3N2MyY2RiY2Q2ZDI4NzQ0 Lightning cannot be prevented, but the vulnerability of lifeguards, beach-goers, and patrons near bodies of water can be minimized. The weather watcher has primary, but not sole, responsibility for observation of and updates on weather conditions. Tom Griffiths, Ph.D.,is President and Founder of Aquatic Safety Research Group, LLC. NDIzM2E1MjkwN2MyMGNkYWVmMzBmYWI4ZTZjYjVjMmZkMDBmNDM3ZjQ4MjM3 Lifeguard Lightning Safety Guidelines Every year, lightning strikes and kills people on or near bodies of water. Use sunscreen with a minimum SPF 15 even on cloudy days, and reapply every 3-4 hours. If the building is not properly lightning protected, the risks are higher.. YzMwMGQyYjlkNzZkZGZjNzBmZTA5MDg5NmM4MjMzYzg2YTFmYTNiMzhkZGI1 The good news is that national statistics do not include any deaths from lightning to people in indoor pools. These drownings primarily involve young children who gain . Our Guest Policy is subject to change without notice. We can arm our home with safety alarms that alert when a child gets loose, but thats no guarantee anyone can get to the child in time. Consider the organization of thunderstorms in the area. Jehn has mostly taught for private swim schools, but she is also a certified American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor. Therefore, it is often still necessary to clear an indoor pools during lightning storms. In addition, everyone should stay away from concrete floors or walls. ZTMzMDEzYTcxNGI3ZjZiOGJmMWIyZDg0YWQ4OTBiOTdhMzRlNjFmZGQ3ZDFk Patrons are allowed back in the pool when 10 seconds have elapsed after the sound of thunder. Hot tubs should not exceed 104 F or 40 C and are not recommended for pregnant women, toddlers or infants. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Insurance members will be issued two (2) complimentary guest passes per year. Wellness Center & Weight Room use is restricted to guests 15 years and older. Do not take a bath, shower or use plumbing. Violating this policy will result in an immediate loss of membership and potential prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. Other facility use restrictions may apply, please make sure to check with the branch before visiting. Jet Skis). Many inconsistencies and misconceptions exist regarding the lightning safety protocol for indoor swimming pools. Never shelter under an isolated tree. If the person has stopped breathing, call 9-1-1 and begin CPR. yTn SO( tc]n|_:_maC}\yhpu5V0 lx>,#G>u_1=X\0.JDx %>Q"#7@hZ:3-Jvu~\-,|nuj0 J=b.on}')P ]>K m; ;x [o:el!{3iB1K} aN6~4j%*%*>Dk*mFT>8n7lWSGUB 8 1F*A}9C8==ryewyE}A$w`\q4
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red cross lightning safety pools