I am using the premium version for several months - we are very pleased with the product and the options it includesin addition very good documentation and videos Click the Live Traffic menu option to watch your site activity in real-time. Have you been told to clear your cache and you're unsure what steps are involved in doing this? Change: Updated the text on the option to alert for scan results of a certain severity. Improvement: Dashboard chart data is now updated more frequently. Improvement: Added a help link to the mode display when a host disabling Live Traffic is active. Improvement: Switched flags to use a CSS sprite to reduce file count and size. Fix: Re-added missing file to fix commit excluding it. Improvement: Scan result emails now include the count of issues that were found again. Rate limit or block WordPress security threats like aggressive crawlers, scrapers and bots doing security scans for vulnerabilities in your site. Improvement: Reduced net memory usage during forked scan stages by up to 50%. Improvement: Login timestamps are now displayed in the sites configured time zone rather than UTC. Change: Changed the option to enable live traffic to match the wording and style of other options. Improvement: Clarified text around the reCAPTCHA setting to indicate v3 keys must be used. Improvement: Better wording for the allowlisting IP range error message. Fix: Removed localhost IP for auto-update email alerts. Improvement: The check for passwords leaked in breaches now allows a login if the user has previously logged in from the same IP successfully and displays an admin notice suggesting changing the password. Improvement: The country blocking selection drawer behavior has been changed to now allow saving directly from it. Improvement: Added better crawler detection. Improvement: Added instructions for NGINX users to restrict access to .user.ini during Firewall configuration. Changed: Added compatibility messaging for reCAPTCHA when WooCommerce is active. Improvement: Better diagnostics logging for GeoIP conflicts. Improvement: Email-based logins are now covered by Dont let WordPress reveal valid users in login errors. Change: Changed the autoloader for our copy of sodium_compat to always load after WordPress core does. Fix: Added a secondary check to the email summary cron to avoid repeated sending if the cron list is corrupted. Improvement: Added the state/province name when applicable to geolocation displays in Live Traffic. Hover over Performance, then click Dashboard. Improvement: Removed file-based config caching, added support for caching via WordPresss object cache. Fix: Added throttling to sync the WAF attack data. Improvement: Added a setting to control the reCAPTCHA human/bot threshold. Fix: Fixed WAF false positives introduced with WordPress 4.6. All you need to do is remember the master password and the password manager will do the rest. Fix: Fixed memory calculation when using PHPs supported shorthand syntax. Efficiently assess the security status of all your websites in one view. Wordfence sends security alerts via email. At best, it gives intermittent results (having blocked the country or not). Improvement: Made a number of PHP8 compatilibility improvements. Otherwise, try your browser's Settings, Privacy, or Advanced options. Fix: Fixed an error with Live Traffic human/bot detection when plugins change the load order. Enhances your situational awareness of which security threats your site is facing. Fix: Fixed a currently-unused code path in email address verification for the strict check. Improvement: Optimized the overall scan to make fewer network calls. Improvement: Provided additional no-caching indicators for caches that erroneously save pages with HTTP error status codes. Fixed: Added missing $wp_query->set_404() call when outputting a 404 page on a custom action. There were 9 cron jobs (down from over 29,000!). Fix: Adjusted the behavior of parsing the X-Forwarded-For header for better accuracy. Improvement: Remove Lynwood IP range from allowlist, and add new AWS IP range. Enter wftest [at] wordfence [dot] com as the email and peterpine as the forum username please. Click here to sign-up for Wordfence Premium now or simply install Wordfence free and start protecting your website. Situational awareness is an important part of website security. At the top right, click More . We offer a Premium API key that gives you real-time updates to the Threat Defense Feed which includes a real-time IP blocklist, firewall rules, and malware signatures. Improvement: Move Permanently block all temporarily blocked IP addresses button to top of blocked IP list. Fix: Fixed a typo in a constant on the diagnostics page. Fix: Added additional error handling to the blocked IP list to avoid outputting notices when another plugin resets the error handler. Improvement: Reduced memory usage on scan forking and during the known files scan stage. Fix: Addressed an additional way to enumerate authors with the REST JSON API. subdomains are now supported for sharing premium licenses. Wordfence verifies your website source code integrity against the official WordPress repository and shows you the changes. Improvement: Changes to readme.txt and readme.md are now ignored by the scanner unless high sensitivity is on. Fix: WAF attack data now correctly includes JSON payloads when appropriate. Right-click the .htaccess file and select Download to create a local backup. When you receive a security alert, make sure you deal with it promptly to ensure your site stays secure. Improvement: Added additional data breach records to the breached password check. Change: Long-deprecated database tables will be removed. Fix: Fixed issue with fatal errors encountered during activation under certain conditions. Pick a Blogging Platform. Improvement: Added option to disable application passwords. Fix: Fixed incorrect wrapping of the Group by field on the live traffic page. We researched and reviewed the companies with the lowest fees & rates so that you can make an informed decision. Fix: Added error suppression to ignore_user_abort calls to silence it on hosts with it disabled. Improvement: Added additional information about reCAPTCHA to its setting control. Improvement: Add php_errorlog to the list of downloadable logs in diagnostics. Improvement: Two-factor authentication is new and improved, now available on all Premium and Free installations. Fix: Fixed an issue where the GeoIP database update check would never get marked as completed. Wordfence Security is extremely fast and uses techniques like caching its own configuration data to avoid database lookups and blocking malicious attacks that would slow down your site. Fix: Fixed fatal error when using a allowlisted IPv6 range and connecting with an IPv6 address. Fix: Fixed bug with Hide WordPress version causing issues with reCAPTCHA. Fix: Hooked up reverse IP lookup in Live Traffic. Fix: Fixed wrapping of long strings on the Diagnostics page. Your web browser, hosting, and caching plugins can each add a. For mission-critical sites, check out Wordfence Response. Improvement: Reduced the number of queries executed for some configuration options. Change: Live Traffic now defaults to only logging security events on new installations. Improvement: Reduced size of some JavaScript for faster loading. Maybe it was caching but when i maked it to clear it's not . Improvement: The premium key is no longer prompted for during installation if already present from an earlier version. Improvement: The prevent admin registration setting now works with WooCommerces registration flow. Fix: Removed an older behavior with live traffic buttons that could allow them to open in a new tab and show nothing. Fix: Fixed PHP memory test for newer PHP versions whose optimizations prevented it from allocating memory as desired. Fix: Added a few common files to be excluded from unknown WordPress core file scan. Replace wp-cron with a real cron job. Improvement: Added a custom message field that will show on all block pages. Improvement: Added a time limit to the live activity status so only current messages are shown. Improvement: Better reporting for failed brute force login attempts. Unlike cloud based firewalls, Wordfence executes within the WordPress environment, giving it knowledge like whether the user is signed in, their identity and what access level they have. With Live Traffic, monitor visits and hack attempts not shown in other analytics packages in real time; including origin, their IP address, the time of day and time spent on your site. Premium users can also block countries and schedule scans for specific times and a higher frequency. Track and alert on important security events including administrator logins, breached password usage and surges in attack activity. Fix: Addressed an issue that could cause scans to time out on sites with tens of thousands of potential URLs in files, comments, and posts. Also hundreds from common plugins such as Wordfence, BackupBuddy, Nextgen Gallery, and AutoOptimizer - all of which I had uninstalled in the past. Fix: Fixed admin page layout for sites using RTL languages. Because Wordfence is an integral part of the endpoint (your WordPress website), it cant be bypassed. Network Activate Wordfence. Fix: On WAF roadblock page: Warning: urlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given . A deep set of additional tools round out the most comprehensive WordPress security solution available. Improvement: When all issues for a scan stage have been previously ignored, the results now indicate this rather than saying problems were found. Improvement: Running an update now automatically dismisses the corresponding scan issue if present. Fix: Reworked country blocking authentication check for access to XMLRPC. Improvement: Added a check while in learning mode to verify the response is not 404 before whitelising. Thanks Kacper Szurek. Improvement: Added a method to view which files are currently used for WAF and to remove without reinstalling Wordfence. First, go to the Wordfence Options panel to set settings. Fix: Changed some wording to consistently use License or License Key. The Wordfence scanner also has an option to "Scan for misconfigured How does Wordfence get IPs". Improvement: Added a separate option to trigger removal of Login Security tables and data on deactivation. Go to the Scan menu and start your first scan. Let Wordfence use the most secure method to get visitor IP addresses. Fix: Usernames in live traffic now correctly link to the corresponding profile page. From the Wordfence Dashboard click on Manage WAF. A CMS is a program that lets users create, manage, and modify website content. Fix: Block/Unblock now works correctly when viewing Live Traffic with it grouped by IP. I had a lockout issue due to a previous webmaster and the lockout team resolved it quickly! This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to clear the plugin's cache via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link. Fix: Fixed handling of case-insensitive tables in the Diagnostics table check. See how files have changed. Improvement: Prevent scan from failing when the home URL has changed and the key is no longer valid. Fix: The scan issues alerting option is now set correctly for new installations. Step 1: Login to your /wp-admin and hover over the LiteSpeed Cache option in the menu on the right. Change: Initial preparation for GDPR compliance. Fix: Fixed a possible PHP notice when syncing attack data records without metadata attached. Scan Options Select which aspects of your site the scan should investigate, adjust scan performance and configure advanced options. Fix: Removed a remaining reference to the CDN version of Font Awesome. Sucuri. Fix: Fixed broken message in Live Traffic with MySQLi storage engine for blocklisted hits. Fix: Removed extra spacing in the example ranges for Allowlisted IP addresses that bypass all rules. Fix: Included country flags for Kosovo and Curaao. Fix: Addressed an issue where having the country block or a pattern block selected when clicking Make Permanent could break them. Fix: Added check for when site is disconnected on Centrals end, but not in the plugin. Fix: Fixed Wordfence Central connection flow within the first time experience. Fix: Fixed bug with unlocking a locked out IP without correctly resetting its failure counters. Clear Your Cache in WP-CLI Log in to SSH or cPanel Terminal. Improvement: Added a dedicated error display that will show when a scan is detected as failed. Checks your content safety by scanning file contents, posts and comments for dangerous URLs and suspicious content. Fix: Fixed duplicate entries with different status codes appearing in detailed live traffic. Wordfence Security includes an endpoint firewall, malware scanner, robust login security features, live traffic views, and more. Disabling the Dynamic Cache solves this but then there is no advantage of using the Dynamic Cache, which provides great speed improvements. Improvement: Added dedicated messaging for leftover WordPress core files that were not fully removed during upgrade. Improvement: Improvements to the scanners malware stage to avoid timing out on larger files. Fix: Unknown countries in the dashboard now show Unknown rather than empty. Improvement: When WFWAF_ENABLED is set to false to disable the firewall, show this on the Firewall page. Fix: Replaced a slow query in the dashboard widget that could affect sites with very large numbers of users. Improvement: Modified some country names in the block configuration to align with those shown in Live Traffic. Fix: Fixed a layout problem with the live traffic disabled notice. Fix: Fixed bug when multiple authors have published posts, /?author=N scans show an author archive page. Fix: Fixed deadlock when NFS is used for WAF file storage, in wfWAFAttackDataStorageFileEngine::addRow(). Fix: Fixed fatal error on sites running Wordfence 6.1.11 in subdirectory and 6.1.10 or lower in parent directory. Select an app. Clear Your Cache in the Dashboard Login to your WordPress Dashboard. Improvement: Added Google reCAPTCHA v3 support to the login and registration forms. We are fully compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6 whether you run both or only one addressing scheme. Use cloud hosting with no CPU limits. Improvement: Integrated Wordfence with Wordfence Central, a new service allowing you to manage multiple Wordfence installations from a single interface. Fix: Suppressed error messages on the NTP time check to compensate for hosts with UDP connections disabled. Improvement: Changed allowlist entry area to textbox on options page. Changed: Updated text on scan issues for plugins removed from wordpress.org to better indicate possible reasons. Fix: Suppressed PHP notice with time formatting when a microtimestamp is passed. Tap Other apps. Fix: Fixed an instance where http links could be generated for emails rather than https. A simple way to force a browser cache refresh is to press 'Ctrl + F5' on your keyboard, or clear the cache and temporary files via your browser settings. Fix: Fixed bug with multiple API calls to get_known_files. Monitors disk space which is related to security because many DDoS attacks attempt to consume all disk space to create denial of service. Fix: Better wrapping behavior on the reason column in the blocks table. A Wordfence scan examines all files on your WordPress website looking for malicious code, backdoors, and shells that hackers have installed. Fix: Update locking now works on multisites that have removed the original site. Fix: Prevented duplicate queries for wordfenceCentralConnected wfconfig value. Improvement: SVG files now have the JavaScript-based malware signatures run against them. Powered by the constantly updated Threat Defense Feed, Wordfence Firewall stops you from getting hacked. 3. Improvement: Improved handling of bad characters and IPv6 ranges in Advanced Blocking. Block entire malicious networks. Change: Reworked Live Traffic/Rate Limiting human and bot detection to function without cookies. Improvement: staging. Wordfence provides true endpoint security for your WordPress website. Improvement: Initial integration of i18n in Wordfence. Improvement: WAF configuration files are now excluded by default from the recently modified files list in the activity report. Improvement: Increased logging in debug mode for plugin updates to help resolve issues. Fix: Fixed bug with regex matching carriage returns in the .htaccess based IP block list. Improvement: Added rel=noopener noreferrer to all external links from the plugin for better interoperability with other scanners. You can customize what and how . Wordfence takes this approach. Fix: Better detection for when to use secure cookies. Improvement: Added a check and update flow for mod_php hosts with only the PHP5 directive set for the WAFs extended protection mode. Security Fix: Fixed reflected XSS vulnerability: CVSS 6.1 (Medium). Improvement: Updated sodium_compat to address an incompatibility that may occur with the pending WordPress 5.2.1 update. This step is important because until you network activate it, your sites will see the plugin option on their plugins menu. Improvement: Sites can now specify a list of trusted proxies when using X-Forwarded-For for IP resolution. Fix: Avoid running out of memory when viewing very large activity logs. Improvement: Added a prompt to allow user to download a backup prior to repairing files. Caching is provided by Falcon Engine, a product developed by Mark and the Wordfence team. Then, enter the following lines in the box: 1 2 [a-z0-9_\-]*sitemap [a-z0-9_\-]*\. Registration wordfence clear cache now works correctly when viewing Live Traffic with MySQLi storage engine blocklisted! Instance where HTTP links could be generated for emails rather than https incorrect wrapping of long strings on the column! Expects parameter 1 to be string, array given from allowlist, and caching plugins can each add.! Sensitivity is on on WAF roadblock page: Warning wordfence clear cache urlencode ( call! Reworked Live Traffic/Rate Limiting human and bot detection to function without cookies denial service! 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wordfence clear cache

This is a paragraph.It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in its place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.